Hi Everyone,
V1.0 of the Icon Platform M+ Midi Remote is now available.
- Set your Icon Platform M+ to MCU mode if it isn’t already on it - see the manual for how to do this though it is the default so unless you changed it your all good. And if you did you obviously know how to change it
- Go to Midi Remote
- Add Surface
- Import the script:
Icon_Platform Mplus.midiremote (7.3 KB)
It should find your Platform M+ midi ports but if it doesn’t just select them in the midi remote.
You can hover the mouse over any surface element in the midi remote and it will show a tooltip with the functionality. The icons used in the midi remote are often confusing so tooltips are your friend.
There are two pages for the Fader Area:
- Mixer - controls for the current bank of 8 channels (auto banks with Cubase selection)
- The midi remote suface shows all the functionality. Track Selection is on Fader Touch so the Sel Buttons can be used for monitor on/off.
- Selected Channel - has 4 sub pages for the Selected Channel:
- Sends and Quick Controls
- EQ - all 4
- Pre Fader
- Cue Sends
The first 4 record buttons are used to select each of the subpages which then change parts of the fader surface control area. Any controls not used by a subpage will remain bound to whatever was last used (not sure if this is a feature or not but I couldn’t find a way to tell a subpage to unbind a control it wasn’t using).
Pretty much every available function is mapped to the knobs and buttons in each of the sub pages. Use the mouse to hover over them to see what is assigned where.
For convenience (and partly to get around some confusion from not being able to unbind) some on/off functions are mapped to Knobs and Sel buttons. This proved handy for A/B comparisons in the EQ page since I was holding the knob anyway I could just push it on/off.
The Transport and Fader sections are the same for both pages.
The Main Fader can switch between:
- Main Output Control - more correctly its the first Output, which is Main for me but I only have one output
- Control Room Phones Level - again the first headphones channel
- Control Room Monitor Level
- AI Control - hover your mouse over a value and the Master Fader will snap to it and control it.
- To switch function use the Mixer button to switch through them.
Read and Write buttons control the Selected Channel Automation Read/Write
Transport Control:
- Play, Stop, Cycle, Record, FWD, RWD are all as normal
- Channel Next/Previous - Next/Previous Page at the moment but might just make one of these cycle and the other be Click on/off or something useful.
- Bank Next/Previous - Next/Previous Marker - this might be more useful as something else in future.
** You will note the lack of channel/bank selection from the surface. Midi Remote auto banks and the Jog wheel can be used to scroll through channels so I figured coopt these buttons for other uses.
Jog wheel - okay this one is a bit complicated. It’s almost the same a the Mackie control functions the Icon series provide and works with the Horizontal and Vertical Zoom buttons - including the “Press them both and they switch function mode”.
Normal Jog wheel mode
- (Normal) Nudge Cursor Left/Right or Jog (with playback). This will nudge less if you turn slow and more if you turn fast. To switch between Nudge and Jog, Push the Jog Knob.
- (Zoom Horizontal/vertical buttons active) - Two modes, switch between them by pressing Both Buttons at the same time. There is no visible change until you then select one of them to activate it. At which point the Midi Remote surface will show different functions in the lower right
- Mode 1 - simple Horiz/Vertical Zoom
- Mode 2
- Vertical Zoom - Track selection next/previous
- Horizontal Zoom - Next/Previous Event on the selected Track
Most knobs, jog included, are turn speed sensitive. Turn slow for fine control, turn fast for coarse movement. This is part of how the Icon Platform M+ works and I just made it so the facility passed into the Midi Remote.
When the Midi remote is first activated in either page it will show fully connected. Unfortunately selecting a Channel or moving some controls (in Cubase or the Icon Platform M+) will immediately cause the Midi Remote to go grey and not longer work. Selecting a Channel in Cubase will immediately cause it to reconnect and it will remain connected for the remainder of your session.
I’m fairly certain this is a Bug in the Midi Remote and have reported it to Steinberg. I’ve been able to reproduce the problem in a different midi remote controller. For now though you’ll need to select a couple of tracks to get it to reconnect and then you should be all good.
** Source Code**
If you would like to develop the script further and/or make pull requests into the code the github repo can be found at GitHub - woodcockr/midiremote-userscripts: A place for user created MIDI Remote API scripts
I’ve also put in a PR to have it added to the steinberg midiremote github repo.