Midi programming ninja


I need to know every possible useful key command for midi programming! I want to learn how to do it as fast as possible. So submit here all tips and tricks you got there! :wink:


Move Note Left (by Grid) = Ctrl/Cmd Left
Move Note Right (by Grid) = Ctrl/Cmd Right
Move Start Note Right (by Grid) = Alt + arrow right
Move Start Note Left (by Grid) = Alt + arrow left
Move End Note Right (by Grid) = Alt + Shift + arrow right
Move End Note Left (by Grid) = Alt + Shift + arrow left

Transpose semitone up = arrow up
Transpose semitone down = arrow down
Transpose octave up = Shift + arrow up
Transpose octave down = Shift + arrow down

I would also recommend to explore the whole Quantize Category folder in the Key Commands. Maybe you will find some useful commands here. For example Set Quantize to… 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, etc.

You could also make own Logical Editor presets like: Velocity +5; Velocity -5; +10; -10… and assign own Key Commands.

I’ve spent about 12 hours a day for the past 15 years inputting MIDI, so I’ve evolved my keyboard skills to be more efficient by setting up key commands that made sense to me. In fact pretty much every function in Cubase that I use I’ve overridden the default key command and set my own. I never use the GUI to move, quantize or otherwise perform MIDI editing operations.

I set up single-key key commands for most of these, and they’ve become muscle-memory over the years so it takes some practise to become efficient, for sure.

Note: I also have my grid set to Use Quantize Value.

These are obvious:

  • UpArrow = Move selected note(s) up 1 semitone
  • DownArrow = Move selected note(s) down 1 semitone
  • Shift+UpArrow = Move selected note(s) up 1 octave
  • Shift+DownArrow = Move selected note(s) down 1 octave

My basic custom MIDI editing commands (Sorry, don’t have Cubase in front of me so they’re named differently in the Key Commands setup window, but these are essentially the functions):

  • ` = Decrement quantize value
    (cycles through quantize divisions) (ie: 1/1 to 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8, etc.)
  • 1 = Increment quantize value
    (cycles through quantize divisions) (ie: 1/8 to 1/4 to 1/2 to 1/1, etc.)
  • Q = Quantize selected note(s) start position to nearest grid/quantize value
  • W = Quantize selected note(s) length to nearest grid/quantize value
  • Z = Move selected note(s) left by grid/quantize value
  • X = Move selected note(s) right by grid/quantize value
  • A = Adjust start of selected note(s) left by grid/quantize value
  • S = Adjust start of selected note(s) right by grid/quantize value
  • D = Adjust end of selected note(s) left by grid/quantize value
  • F = Adjust end of selected note(s) right by grid/quantize value
  • NumPad 1 = Move cursor left 1 beat
  • NumPad 2 = Move cursor right 1 beat
  • NumPad 4 = Move cursor left 1 bar
  • NumPad 5 = Move cursor right 1 bar

The bonus is that I use all these commands to move/resize MIDI regions, audio regions, etc. in the project window as well. So when you find commands that are convenient, they become more widely useful in Cubase.