Hello, all,
here I am sharing my MIDI Remote API script that works with Roland FC-300 Foot Controller in SysEx mode. It might be useful not only for Roland FC-300 owners but also as an inspiration for those who need to process SysEx messages with their own controllers. For instance, the name of the currently selected track in Cubase is transmitted to Roland FC-300 via SysEx messages so that it can be shown on the controller display.
This is (as I’ve already mentioned) a great script!
I do have a suggestion though. How about, sharing the *.midiRemote installation file as well? This way it can be easier for users not into the midi remote folder structure, to directly install it, without having to copy/paste into the proper folder
I have enhanced the above script so that now it features multiple (four) mapping pages and also supports expression pedals that are mapped to QuickControls.