Midi Remote Clock

Hey All,

I was wondering if anybody has manage to use Dorico in context of another DAW by syncing the transport control with Midi remote clock? I’m doing this with Luna and Maschine or Reason and want to start using Dorico for scoring in a similar workflow.


I’m afraid it’s not possible directly at the moment. Some users are having success with the TXL Timecode plug-in: you can search here on the forum for other threads about it.

Thanks for the reply!
I guess it might be difficult for you to respond, but I would just like to explain my perspective on Dorico.
I’m a long time Cubase user that use to have a Cubase / Notion workflow via Rewire which I abandoned at some point because lack of support from Notion and random rendering problem when exporting audio. Then switch to do everything in Cubase, but never enjoyed orchestrating in Cubase. So I kept an eye open on Dorico, but obviously your main use case is printing which I have no need for. Recently I was very impressed by the maturity of the audio playback engine in version 5 with VSL and the like integration and feel it is now superseding Cubase by miles.
So the problem now is workflow, is this something you are tracking on your end to improve since I guess it is not the primary use case of Dorico since it has nothing to do with printing score?