MIDI Remote Control for all VST Controllers in Cubase

Hi, I configured the MIDI Remote Control for my external Midi keyboard that has 8 sliders and 8 knobs.
I want to assign these controllers to the highest numbers of controllers in my VST instruments. Unfortunatly, I only found the solution of going through the limited 8 Quick VST Controllers for any VST instruments.
Is there any way to bypass QC’s and use all my CC to control as much VST Controllers?
Why this limit of 8 QC’s and the obligation to use them to control instruments and effects?


Hi, if you open the MIDI Assistant and go to Functions Browser->Selected Track->Instrument->Parameters, you’ll see a ===Setup=== entry. If you click this, you can selected the number of parameters, in your case it can be 16.
Then, you can assign each knob and fader to Parameter 1, 2 etc.

If you have a set of two buttons available, you can even go for assigning them to “Actions->Next and Previous Parameters Bank” to have access to even more parameters of the plugin.

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Sounds good, thank you . I just tried but it doesn’t work. I removed my QC and associated the 16 parameters to sliders and knobs. No one works, nor with Steinberg VST.


Also, would that mean I’m assigning the same parameters for all VST? Each VST has different controllers. Or should I create a specific mapping for each VST?

Sorry to be so erratic, I see now there is another way, using the Remote Control Editor in the menu of the VST (right click in any black part → Remote Control Editor)
I’m trying to learn it, but it seems you cannot create your own one. Only editing the Standar one.

The idea here, if you are going for the “assign parameters to the surface” way is to then enter the RCE (Remote Control Editor) and move parameters around if they are not intuitively set up from the factory.

Inside the RCE, what you are seeing is how the plug in is mapped internally. Consider the RCE just a “pretty list”. Starting from the top left, each little cell is a parameter. Cell 1, parameter 1, cell 2 parameter 2, etc. The next row starts from parameter 9, the next row from parameter 17 etc etc.

For example, in your picture, the first 4 parameters are Attack, Decay, Release, Sustain. If you click apply, then, according to the picture in your previous post, IF you have the track of this instrument selected, fader number 1 of your controller should control the instrument’s Attack.

MIDI Remote fader 1 controls parameter 1 → parameter 1 is Attack in the RCE of the plug-in.

If you want to do each plug-in seperately, it’s up to you. It’s a lot of work but it’s worth it.


A bit out of topic, but not by much, I think I recall we had a conversation on this upon the idea of exchanging plugin maps. I know this has the limitation that each user has his/her own preferences, however, many users may be happy with a “default” that makes sense. For example, since I know you’ve worked hard on mapping, I would be happy to give them a go in my setups, sometimes the way another one maps is much more efficient than the way we thought thing should be.
That said, I wonder whether I should really get back to publishing the exchange utility I’ve made, any thought?


It would be a good tool to have. There are too many parameters to share with words alone!


Cool, I’ll publish it very soon, and let’s see if it can get be helpful :slight_smile:


Thank you, I tried yesterday, but it’s not worth as different VST have different Controllers, so with only the Standard RCE, I only can control one VST. I really think that Steinberg could improve this. Just letting design one RCE for each VST. I think the simplest way would be tu allow more Quick Controls, not limited to 8, as now you already can use MIDI Remote Controller to assign to QC’s and then QC to each VST instrument.
The very best solution would be to be able to save a direct confirguration between your MIDI controller (using the MIDI Remote design) and assign parameters to each instrument. I was hoping the solution of selecting Parameters from the instrument would work.

That would be great!!

If I understand correctly, yes, it would be much easier if we directly saw which parameter is which in the mapping assistant, and we connected the surface element with the parameter name (e.g. fader 1, Attack), but I don’t think this is possible, due to how the MIDI Remote is designed (parameter banks, a defined bank size, and pages to hold them)

I don’t understand this, can you explain it a bit more?

Quick controls… they’re ok. But as you said they’re only 8. Moreover, I consider QCs to be a bit more… adventurous. For quick and dirty assignment of a parameter that I need to automate at some point that I don’t frequently use. For general control of Instruments, I prefer a “permanent” RCE setup.

Hi, if I’m not wrong, I meant that if you change the standard config of the RCE, you will only adapt it to one specific VST, and that will not work for others VST? For example, if Attack is number 100 may be for other control that will be 60. Or simply you have assigned a CC to a knob that will not be useful for other VST.
I’m now investigating those videos as I’m trying a lot of different ways and no solutions for now. Looks to be very tricky.

Que nooo! Don’t let the default layouts (generic, nuage etc) throw you off.

Exactly! And that’s what you can do with the RCE, if you want them, you can change them in both plugins’ RCE so that they are parmeter number 1. So that when each plugin opens, you twist the knob that you want to control attack, and it just happens.


Ok, let’s have a look. I will be very thorough, bordering to obnoxious. But I want to be very clear.

The Controller

First thing to do is have a favourite way of looking at the controller, and making a note of how many actions I can perform. In my case, and following the arrows.

Twisting the encoders from 1 to 16 is the first 16 actions.
Pushing the encoders from 1 to 16 is the next 16 actions.
Moving the faders 1 to 9 is another 9 actions.
Pushing the button under the master fader is another action.

Let’s sum them up. 16+16+9+1 = A total of 42 possible controls.

It is very important to always keep this layout in mind, and know which place a specific element holds. For example, if I move the first fader, on the left, this is control number 33 (the next one up after 16 encoder twists, and another 16 pushes.) The button under the master fader is control number 42. Why? There’s no reason why! Just go with the recognition pattern that makes sense to you, as long as you can quickly determine the control’s place in the list of all controls.

Mapping Assistant Assignments

Ok, the screenshot is confusing, but this is actually the easiest part. The point here is:

How many controls do we have available on our controller? How many of those do we want to be able to use with a plug-in simultaneously? All of them? Good! So, let’s see what I must do with 42 controls.

First, go here:

Click on Setup, and then set the bank size to be the same as the number of simultaneous control you need to have.


Now, 42 Parameters will be available just beneath. The last thing to do here is make the assignments. We will use the exact order we used before. So:

Twist Encoder 1 → Parameter 1
Twist Encoder 2 → Parameter 2

Twist Encoder 16 → Parameter 16
Push Encoder 1 → Parameter 17
Push Encoder 2 → Parameter 18

Push Encoder 16 → Parameter 32
Fader 1 → Parameter 33
Fader 2 → Parameter 34

Fader 9 → Parameter 41
Master Button → Parameter 42

And we’re done. Only the last part remains.


Let’s have a look at the RCE of RoomWorks, which I haven’t bothered to map yet. Those are the default assignments. I don’t want these, but let’s analyze the picture anyway.

We see 4 pages of 8 parameters. It’s important to note that these parameters are IN ORDER. In this picture, Time is parameter no. 1, Pre delay is parameter no. 2, size is parameter no. 3, etc.etc.

Now, here is the moment that either the whole thing comes together or not.

  • We decided on a way to look at our controller, and put all of its control elements in an ordered list.
  • Following this order, we assigned control of parameters to our control elements, one to one, literally.
  • And here in the RCE, we’re essentially just looking at our controller again, but in an “8-cell-list” form.

For example. I know that if I twist my first encoder, I’m controlling Time. Because it’s the first parameter. And parameter 1 is connected to encoder 1 in the mapping assistant. And encoder 1 is the one on the top left of my physical controller because I said so. If I push my first encoder instead (action/element 17, fiiirst all 16 encoder twists, then the first push), I will be controlling Envelope Amount. Well, that sucks. I need an encoder twist for that, or a fader, not a switch.

So let’s change things up.

First thing I’m going to do, is trash the RCE.

Then, let’s make as many pages as needed to fit my 42 available parameters 5x8 = 40, 6x8 = 48. I’ll make 6 pages.

Let's build it anew.

  • I want the Input Filters section and the Damping section on my 8 faders.

Fader 1 → Filter Low Frequency
Fader 2 → Filter Low Gain
Fader 3 → Filter High Frequency
Fader 4 → Filter High Gain
Fader 5 → Damping Low Frequency
Fader 6 → Damping Low Level
Fader 7 → Damping High Frequency
Fader 8 → Damping High Level

My faders are controlling parameters 33 to 41, so these are the numbers of the cells I must populate with the parameters.

Assigning the parameters themselves is easy. Just activate learn mode, the highlighted “L” in the screenshot above, and then, with the plug-in opened just to the side, I click once on the cell I where I want a parameter to go, and then on the actual parameter of the plug-in.

After 1 minute:


The controls are as they want them. Forever. Each time I have this plug-in in focus, it remembers what should be where. I don’t even have to think about it, I just reach for the controls that seem most natural, and since I already told it what feels natural with all these RCE acrobatics… it’s ready.

I wanted to do another plug-in to show that I can use the exact same one page of assignments to control any plug-in at any time, but taking all those screenshots is the hardest part. The assignment is child’s play once you get the hang of it. And this is the big advantage of this approach. You can control any plug-in, in the most natural way for you, with just one page. The disadvantage is that you need to do this for every single plug-in you wish to use. Enter the RCE, thrash, rebuild, or move things around until satisfied. The choice is yours.

TL;DR: I don’t use many pages and different assignments to conform to what the plug-in offers to me by default, but instead I use only one page with one set of assignments and change what the plug-in offers to me.


Pleeaaasssee do! Grateful to you. I’m lost, trying everything and it doesn’t. I’m wondering if something else is wrong.
I discovered that effectively you can modify each RCE entering from the instrument. I was entering from the main menu!!!
I looked at two videos and no way. I followed the steps and it doesn’t work.

Here’s what I do with Retrologue:
Selected in my main window

No QC assigned (just in case)

And this is my clean Midi remote mapping with a clean setup I called Retrologue

I select the first slider
I select Learn CC in Retrologue
I click Apply mapping

It is assigned

I move the slider on my Midi Remote Keybaord and the knob in Retrologue doesn’t move
I try with knobs and same result

Sorry, didn’t see this one. Please, let me try your instructions…

Ah, ok. Instruments. There are other options there too.

To use the “learn CC” approach, you don’t even need the MIDI remote. In fact, the MIDI remote gets in the way then.

Personally, I use retrologue the way I showed above. But using this way, I write automation, because that’s what I prefer. If you want to write CCs instead (in case they’re needed on other tracks too), it’s better to not pass through the MIDI remote at all. Just go through to the track, and Learn CC from the instrument, like your last pictures. It’s a small detail, but it might matter in the long run this automation vs CCs thing.

If you just want flexible mapping, like maybe now you’re controlling Cutoff with knob 1, but later you load up a sound and want to control OSC 1 detune with it instead, it’s better to just create a completely blank page in the MIDI remote. Then, activate that page, go to Retrologue and use the “Learn CC”. It will work then.

If you want to have a “permanent setup”, like no matter what happens, this knob is made for controlling Reverb Level, this one Cutoff, this one distortion, the approach I explained above is more suited to that.

I guess the food was delicious, and you’ve got back full of energy! That’s a great thing in this forum, since in Instagram you would most probably have posted a screenshot of your food instead of this useful mini manual!



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Seems I got it, but this was very very tricky, as YOU HAVE TO CLOSE THE Midi Remote Control windows to let it work! And apply changes in the RCE window!
My god, I spend so much time on this.
You helped me so much!!!
Many thanks to both of you.


You know, that’s a detail that should be brought up more often. Yes, close the window otherwise nothing works!

@m.c :joy: :rofl:

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