I´m testing out the new midi control feature in Pro 12.
Happy to finally leave the generic controller aside I am wondering if I have to create a script for each single project. Of course every channel gets a different name in different projects and if I open a second project after having created a script for one of my Behringer BCFs in one project the midi remote system doesn´t find the channels because they have a different name in the second project.
I started with G for global but that doesn´t work. I can choose P for Project, but then I have to do the process for each of my projects.
I try to have 32 channels in every project so a global setting should work.
Am I missing anything?
Hi and welcome to the forum,
The scripts are global.
How exactly did you set the script up, please? What exactly do you control and how?
Hi Martin,
I’m not using the API scripts but just programming from inside Cubase 12Pro.
I want to use my 4 BCFs and 1 BCR for faders, solo and mute.
I tried these on my template and everything worked fine, even with Maschine Studio etc. But if I open my individual projects the programming can’t find my channels.
If I select one fader or one button the Midi Remote program lets me decide wether to use G or P.
If I use g for global the entry for fader 1 says Synth 1, for example. If I open the next project fader 1 is called Organ, for example. So Midi remote doesn`t find the channel, because now the name is different.
Hi Martin,
I’m not using the API scripts but just programming from inside Cubase 12Pro.
I want to use my 4 BCFs and 1 BCR for faders, solo and mute.
I tried these on my template and everything worked fine, even with Maschine Studio etc. But if I open my individual projects the programming can’t find my channels.
If I select one fader or one button the Midi Remote program lets me decide wether to use G or P.
If I use g for global the entry for fader 1 says Synth 1, for example. If I open the next project fader 1 is called Organ, for example. So Midi remote doesn`t find the channel, because now the name is different.
Lost interest?
Hey @KaGe, please give @Martin.Jirsak time to think
In the meantime I can point to a MIDI Remote mapping feature that might help you. It’s called “Mixer Bank Zone” and you can find it in the Mapping Assistant’s Functions Browser. With it you can group an arbitrary number (default is 8, hit on “settings”-entry to change it) of columns on your hardware to become channel-strips.
As you’re using BCRs and BCFs, it’s great to use the “Mixer Bank Zone” thingy! Even better would be to use the BCR2000-script from @Giampaolo_Gesuale, it’s outstanding!
Hi Martin,
Sorry to be so unpatient.
Thanks for your advice. I will try out your links.
Can you reimagine my problem? It can´t be the idea of the new midi remote system that I have to map every single channel of each project. There should be a mapping that could face a 32 channel set up (plus groups) in global. I just have tried it with the default mapping, but it also doesn`t work the way I thought it should.
Is it possible to load up an image to better show you what I mean?
Thank you, anyway.
Of cause, please do so!
Hallo Jochen,
willkommen in der Runde.
Anbei ein erser Screenshot meines Mappings vom ersten Projekt.
In einem zweiten Versuch könnte ich das zweite Bild vom zweiten Projekt hochladen, in dem man sieht, dass die Namen der Channels natürlich ganz anders sind.
In english please
Dear Jochen,
sorry, I thought your name sounded German, thats why. Now I realized that the links for the BCF scipts came from you. I thought Martin answered that. So you see, although I
m a Cubase user for the last 30 years, Im new here at forum and I
m surprised that I even get an answer.
Best wishes,
Hi @KaGe, as a developer at Steinberg for 10 years (and yes my name tells it: I’m german ) it’s as well new for me being an active member of the forum.
Here are some screenshots of the “Mixer Bank Zone” thing:
While listening to some of your music on beatport I received your screenshots. So, you mean, I should rethink the whole concept of Midi Remote by referring to the Mixer Bank Zone “thing”? And that should work globally for every project? So I dont have to map every channel and button in every individual song? I will rethink the process again and try my best. At least it
s a new concept that we have to get used to.
All in all, I appreciate your help.
If I still have problems with the Midi Remote Functions I would like to contact you again on this forum.
Best wishes,
Hi Kage,
mix console works as banks of “n” faders: you can see a white line under faders on selected bank.
As Jochen suggested for your configuration you have to set 32 in Mixer Bank Zone settings:
Ater that you can assign the first 8 channels to BCF n.1, following 8 channels to BCF n.2 and so on…
Set midi assignements to Global.
I’ve tested creating a new project with 64 tracks:
here faders 9 and 10 control tracks named “Audio 09” and “Audio 10”
After that I opened the Cubase demo project.
Now faders 9/10 control track number 9 and 10 even if the name has changed:
If you want to control other tracks just move the bank.
Now faders control tracks 9 /10 of second bank of 32:
Hi Giampalo,
I´m so fascinated by this forum. A few minutes ago Jochen told me that someone called Giampalo has written an amazing script for Behringers BCR and now you
re answering on my problem. Crazy! I checked the link but I couldnt get the script, really. Now you
re sendng me some information on how to handle my five Behringers. I have to take a closer look at that tomorrow.
It`s so good. Like to contact you if I still have problems.
KaGe from Germany
I’m afraid that doesn’t work. Cross-device mappings are only possible by creating an API-Script with multiple MIDI ports registered, doable but very “nerdy”
@Jochen_Trappe not inside the same script but using different scripts at the same time, one for each device!
After all, we see there is lot to find out about mapping the Cubase Mixconsole to our individual controllers. Advertising is the one thing …
I will contribute to the discussion if I found out more.
Thanks to everyone answering so quickly and to the point.
Hmm, actually I didn’t try that out. Did you? If that works: unintended feature