Midi Remote Control for each project

Hi Nico5,
I am still struggling with my midi remote setup.
All works fine with the QU32 but the BCFs which are connected via single Midi in- and outputs still only support the first 8 faders although I changed the setting for the number of channels to 126 and mapped the faders to my 32 channels (that sometimes works but is not always correctly saved). When I recall a second project the mapping doesn`t follow and when I return to the project before the mapping is also gone. Fader 9-16, e.g., then are related to faders 1-8 in Cubase.
This is how my setup should look like:

Now I found out that the new midi remote control doesnt send back midi information to my gear (all motorised!), so they dont move when I use the faders with the mouse inside Cubase.

I suppose I have to wait till the next update when they have fixed several issues.
I`d rather return to my generative controllers where I already have set up everything for all my projects. And the faders move on my hardware.

Thank you all for your contributions and maybe Jochen can bring in my aspects into the Seinberg developer team.

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