Midi remote Cubase in vst live?

Hello everyone, I ask the producers of Vst Live if in the future there will be a configurable focus control like the remote control of Cubase Pro 13, because I find it difficult and unacceptable to use the mixer configured with Nanokontrol as it is not motorized and when changing Part the volumes of the nanokontrol are lowered to the minimum and you change part and the volume is at the maximum when you touch the slider which is currently at the minimum it increases everything at once while in Cubase pro 13 this does not happen. Thank you.

in this video:

he explains the pickup mode, so that changes in volume are created, it would also be fantastic on vst live

or scaled not jump mode, I hope I explained myself well, thanks

I notice that I have not had any response, and also that no user talks about it but in my opinion it is fundamental. Maybe I’m doing something wrong configuring the mixer?

… sorry for being late with our answer. Your request is already on our feature request list.


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Fantastic, I can’t wait for it to arrive and when it is implemented it will be the perfect software for live, good work. Thanks Michael. :wave: :heart_eyes:

Hi, is there any news for this feature? Do we know when it will be implemented?

… no news, yet.
