Midi remote mapping, end of transmitting messages to controllers?

In order to create a two-way communication between DAW and Midi-Controller I used to build my own “Generic Remote” templates where you can choose how messages are routed (receive/transmit/relative/pickup). This way the DAW can send the current fader levels to the midi-controller when browsing through the mixing channels.
Unfortunally Cubase skipped this feature in Midi remote mapping assistant, as explained by Steinberg:
“When adding a new MIDI Controller Surface, it is no longer mandatory to select a MIDI output port. Surfaces created this way cannot receive messages back, thus the “Transmit to Hardware” option in the Properties section for items won’t be available.”

Luckily the old way of building templates still works for as long as it takes.
Is there a workaround to create a two way communication in Midi remote mapping?
I’m on C13 now.


MIDI Remote can also transmit the data out.

Thanx Martin. Well, I havn’t found out yet how to set it up. It would be very kind of you to share the trick with us.

If you use the new Midi Remote, you need a midi remote script for your daw controller.
You can look if you find one for your specific daw controller here in the forum under the tag shared-midiremote.

Or you make it yourself and define all the buttons your device has and what cubase function should map to it.


You can do this even in the MIDI Remote in Cubase. Just enable the Transmit to Hardware option on the MIDI mapping page.

I created scripts for my all controllers and indeed all faders and pb’s are set to “transmit to hardware” by default. But in the end when moving any fader or button in Cubase there is no response on the rotary wheel of pb on the controller. It’s still one way traffic from controller to DAW.

The two way communication works just fine for me and others.

But it’s important that that original setup of the hardware controller is configured for the correct ports for output AND input.

Nico5, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. After playing around with the midi port settings of my controllers It seems to work smoothly now. Problem solved!

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