Hi All, am I doing something wrong? Within these post there are links to Github for people to upload their Midi Remote scripts. When I look there are only around 6 scripts. Surely there are more than this available?
I’m particularly looking for CMC scripts as I cant find a way to make them work with Mac Sonoma. They seem to work as intended without Midi Remote in Windows 11 and Cubase 13.
I have moved them to my Mac setup but due to lack compatibility I’ve actually very reluctantly put them up for sale. Desperately hoping there is a way to use them to their full potential on Mac Sonoma. I’ve not had any success yet as only a fraction of the buttons are recognised in Midi Remote.
Also I see the CMC documents mention Midi codes like 90 5A 77. I could not see a way to enter these (Hex?) codes into Midi Remote, perhaps can be entered directly into script?
On the forum, we are using the shared-midi-remote tag.
Hi @Maax, sorry for the confusion. I created the github repo a bit too soon after releasing the new MIDI Remote system. I soon found out that it is not really practical.
The way the forum members are communicating their created scripts is working very well, as @Martin.Jirsak already mentioned. Cheers!
Thanks guys. Still not finding anthing very useful.
I was thinking some time ago, maybe Steinberg could provide a “user” dedicated dir for scripts, so that whenever CB starts can give a quick check in this dir for updated version of any script involved in the user setup and download it automatically, with a confirmation message obviously.
Would be awesome if that tag was accessible directly…
I mean without having to chose Cubase/Nuendo as the main category first?
And maybe it is not a good idea to have 2 seperate areas for shared scripts? One for Cubase, another for Nuendo?
Nope, it isn’t. For me it’s “score-editor” followed by “steinberg-licensing”.
Edit: It only shows if you search for it.