So did they fix this yet?
Switch the controller lane to the Jump mode, please.
This worked! I go back and record in the CC1 data with STEP selected and BOOM, I have tons of points on the CC lane and it STAYS that way when I click Stop.
The difference is very apparent, the first sounding jumpy and the second smooth. Thanks for bringing this up, was struggling with the same behaviour and after a search found your post!
Here is another obvious illustration of the issue. Ramp CC curves from Cubase and Logic Pro imported to Dorico:
And this is an interesting one - a ramp curve exported from Dorico and imported back to Dorico. Much better resolution than Cubase and similar to Logic.
The problem is apparently also present with CC track automation, not only with CC lanes inside MIDI patterns.
In a nutshell, Cubase uses too coarse interpolation between two points for lines and Bézier curve, at least for MIDI values. I think that’s the root cause of the problem, not the reduction/simplification itself. I guess that the interpolation works properly for floating point parameter automation, haven’t tested that.
Exactly the same bad result is obtained by drawing a ramp in CC lanes, or drawing a ramp in automation tracks + merging or drawing triangles in automation tracks with high reduction level + merging.
On the other hand, high-res results are achieved with triangle, sine or parabola tools with low reduction value, which can then be moved to a MIDI pattern by merging. Triangle, sine and parabola behave equivalently to free-hand drawing or CC recording.