MIDI sent to virtual out not visible on virtual in

I’m pretty new to VST live (2.1.10 on Apple Silicon, macOS 15.1) and I’m struggling with a MIDI track. The track is configure to send its data to Virtual MIDI Out #1 but I do not see the data arriving in the MIDI monitor (configure to show data from Virtual MIDI In #1). The only thing I see is the very first CC-event that is configured in the track (probably related to “chase events on start” being active). Other Events (no matter if it’s CC, PC, Note-On/Off) are not shown in the MIDI monitor (and are not arriving in the stack that should be MIDI-controlled).

Is there anything else I need to set up to make this work?

FWIW, I had also tried the 2.1.19 pre-release from vstlive.net, that did not bring any change.

Unfortunately, the documentation does not give me any hint either.

Thanks for your support,

Welcome thorwin.

We cannot reproduce this. New project, create midi track, output virtual midi1, add clip, list edit add a few controllers at 3.1.0, 5.1.0 or the like, midi monitor with input virtual midi 1, play: controllers visible when according positions are reached.
Also placing 3 different controllers at the same position and locating there outputs all controllers (chase).

Note: if you send the same controller with the same data (data2), and preference MIDI/Controller Tracking is active, it will be suppressed to avoid redundant messages, so check that first.

You may also want to test Devices/Virtual Keyboard, it sends to Virtual Midi 1 as well.

This is weird… when I create a new project, everything works like a charm but I cannot get it to work on my existing project which had originally been created with an older version of VST Live (presumably 2.1.0).

Anyway, thanks for your help, I will move my stuff to the new project. Luckily it’s not too much yet.

Btw: using the virtual keybaord to send CC events work fine in both projects, I forgot to mention that in the original post.