Midi track editing
While working a track midi file with Cubase 12 when I edited notes or controls of a midi track, I had the functions to copy, paste, delete etc.
This possibility is no longer with Cubase 13
Am I doing something wrong in the preferences?
What should I do to make this edit bar visible again?
It is possible to do the same in Cubase 13.
Could you please provide the exact steps, what you are doing and what is not working?
Do you try to copy/paste a single MIDI CC value by any chance?
Hi Martin
thank you for your answer
Yes, exactly, I would copy and paste e.g. CC7 volume and then the one added modify with a CC11 expression
Before was easy with Cubase 12 but now with Cubase 13 I don’t see the same tools bar
You cannot Copy and Paste a single MIDI CC value if it’s set to Ramp.
Sorry Martin if I can back again with this issue
Here attached two pictures
Cubase 12 the tool bar is there and working editing copy, paste, clear etc. what ever I want on one single midi track
On Cubase 13 this tool bar doesn’t appear
My question is
How this tool bar can be set up on Cubase 13 and working as well as Cubase 12 ?
Click to the Window Setup Layout and enable the Filters, please.
Could it be that what you refer to as the “tool bar” is the menu bar and that you are looking for the menu “édition”?
Yes Johnny
I am looking for this menu bar
This is a known issue, which is going to be fixed in the 1st maintenance update.
Thank you very much Martin
Sorry could you please expand a bit more what I should do ?
You know am not a professional user
Thank you so much
You have to wait until Steinberg will release the update. Then you have to download and install it.
So far, you can use the functions from other window, or you can use the common Key Commands: Ctrl+C and Ctrl + V for Copy and Paste.
Thank you Martin
now I understood better
Looking for this update
Unfortunately Ctrl+ C or V is not working
Actually what I am doing is to use C12 for changing or adding CC and then move the midi file on C13
Joining the convo by sharing this video (I also posted kind of the same issue here)