Minimum indent for system

In layout options > Staves and systems > Staff Labels
Shouldn’t it say “Minimum indent for systems without staff labels” insted of “Minimum indent for system with staff labels”?

No. The intention of that value is to ensure that you will always have an indent of at least that value. If you have different instruments hidden or shown on different systems, particularly if you have more than one system per page, then the systems may end up indented by a different value if e.g. a staff with the longest name is hidden on one of the systems. Setting this value to something appropriate allows you to counteract that.

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Thanks a lot for this explanation Daniel.

Hi Daniel, I generally like the staff labels to be outside the music frame since I want the first barline of every system lined up vertically. This can be achieved by setting a negative value for ‘Indent first system of flow’. Now, sometimes I use staff labels for particular systems within a piece, but here I can’t make it. I assumed I could use ‘Minimum indent for systems with staff labels’ in the same way, but it doesn’t seem to work. I wouldn’t prefer changing the frames/margins since they’re set to fit in a InDesign document.

I don’t think there’s a good way to achieve this automatically, Jakob: Dorico will always position staff labels within the music frame, rather than allowing them to hang off the left-hand side.