Miroire OT Experimental Ex Maps

After around two weeks of messing around with Orchestral Tools’ SINE Player and the Miroire Library, I’ve got an experimental set of Expression Maps for Oboes, Flute, Brass, Strings and Basso.

The maps are probably most useful (or rather only useful) with the SINE Player presets that I’ve also made. You can load these .otsave files into the SINE Player.

They are still a bit crude and a ‘work in progress’, but I thought I’d share them, to see if anyone else can use them or improve on them.

I’ve also produced some documentation for what I’ve done and some rudimentary help in using the SINE Player, which may be useful for any of the OT libraries.

I’ve called these ‘experimental’ because there are still some problems, and I’ve no idea whether what I’ve done is the right thing to do. Proper Audioheads may be in utter disgust!

Here’s the result of applying my Template onto a standard notation file, with very little fiddling. So it’s just the score, with no mixing, panning, reverb, automation lanes, etc. The end is a bit fierce!

Could we have an “Expression Map” Tag?

Miroire OT docs.pdf (264.6 KB)

Miroire SINE presets.zip (53.8 KB)

Miroire Ex Map PT.zip (116.8 KB)


Thanks for this! I still haven’t gotten around to making maps for the OT Duplex Saxophones and your PDF walkthrough looks super helpful.


I’ve revised and updated the files in the top post. These now include Ex Maps and Player presets for the Choir samples. In addition to the Expression Maps, there’s now also a Playback Template file for import. You can just drop that .pt file on the Hub to install.

The PDF document has also been revised with some extra info.

Here’s Purcell’s Hear My Prayer, and a bit of Pergolesi’s famous “Don’t Worry, It’s Just a Cough” masterwork.

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thanks for this. I’ve been following your progress with interest on this library but have decided it’s too much outlay for what I might want it for.

One way of getting a mixture of older instruments fairly inexpensively is vol7 of the VSL Special Edition which offers no less than 22 instruments from the Renaissance and Baroque periods including the rare glass harmonica. No period string and no choir, though. For strictly Baroque, the OT offering might be the most useful despite its drawbacks.

Yes. The biggest drawback is the 5-second note limit. I guess in a DAW, you could layer consecutive notes, but for Dorico, it’s a major annoyance.

For me, I would have spend twice the money if they had sorted out all those things. However, it can give a lovely sound, and nothing else seems close.

If you’re using the SINE Player, you might want to know that they’ve just released the v1.06 update, which does fix a whole load of bugs in the player.

Somewhat annoyingly, it also changes the default trill variation switch from CC4 to CC3. If you’ve already setup your endpoints, then they will keep the old setting when they load in; but if you’re starting from scratch, you’ll need to change your Ex map.

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Hi Ben, I’m finally getting around to making the OT Duplex Saxophone maps. It’s mostly going ok, but the one thing I can’t figure out is playback when there’s a gliss. The gliss sometimes ends up sounding at the same time as the note, and then sometimes the next note doesn’t cut off on time. Would the Legato “speed zones” have anything to do with this? A screw up with the release envelope? Do glisses play back normally with Dorico and Miroire? Just trying to figure out what’s happening. Thanks for any advice you might have with this!

EDIT: Adding a Playback Override to make the Legato duration shorter helped a lot with the hanging notes. I still haven’t gotten glisses completely figured out, but that’s a step in the right direction at least.

EDIT 2: Nevermind! I think it’s just not compatible with the Sine legato. Using the patches without the legato seem to work so I’m just going that route. Sorry to clog up your thread!

One thing I’ve noticed is that you can’t play one note and then add another with the Legato patches - presumably something to do with how it controls the transition from one note to the next.
There isn’t any provision for gliss in Miroire!

Right. I’ve revised the Template and Maps (and SINE Player presets) for Miroire, and think I’ve done a much better job. It seems to be working a lot better than before. (Don’t know if that’s Dorico 4!)

I’ve improved the balance with other samples, and got better articulation (in the strict sense) and legato.
I dare say that individual pieces will need tweaking, but it’s a good place to start.

Miroire Ex Map PT.zip (118.4 KB)
Miroire SINE presets.zip (54.1 KB)

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Had a bit of a breakthrough with using OT / Sine Player libraries.

I’ve realised that you have to set the Legato note Length in Dorico to 105% for the LEG Legato patches to work – they rely on overlap (though only one pitch sounds at a time).

The other (non-legato) patches need to be set quite short, as they have long release tails. As little as 65% to 80%max for Default note length.

Revised templates coming soon.

isn’t 105% the default? I assumed it is as all my projects start at that Anyway, most libraries require something higher than 100% for legato to work efficiently. This includes for the OT Tallinn strings which I’m just starting to work on having created basic maps without running into any difficulties so far.

It is, but it’s worth putting in as an override in the Map, in case it’s changed. The “Transition” type (in SINE Player) is also quite important, to get a good effect.

I’d be interested to see your maps.

these are the maps for the instruments I recently bought – violin,viola, cello and main organ (which naturally requires custom techniques for all the stops). I tested the patches to make sure they work but haven’t done anything else so they may well not be final. There is only one legato type here so no choice of transitions. Do you know the library?

Tallinn.zip (2.9 KB)

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Here are my revised Playback templates, divided into choir, strings and Wind+Brass.

Miroire Baroque.zip (112.6 KB)

And here’s a little sample, which shows off the strings quite well.


Fabulous I just bought the orch tools Baroque bundle today and here are your latest expression maps/template ready and waiting . Thanks so much. Makes up for there being no male alto sample choir around. :grin::grin::+1: