Missing Enable Track operation in PLE (12.0.40) - outstanding bug!

Does anyone here know when PLE Track Enable / Disable bug is going to be repaired ?
I see there is another thread of the same title that was closed in September 2022, but this bug is really causing our studio alot of wasted man-hours as our workflow template relies on the ability to use PLE for context sensitive Track Enable and Disable. As of v12.0.40 it no longer works, or rather, it works regardless of what is in the PLE Event Filter, which has created a massive headache for us.

We reported this to Steinberg back in January, but as yet no update and no word as to what is going on!!!

Any help with updates or a workaround is very much appreciated.

This isn’t a bug, the workflow was changed in C12 , and the Enable/Disable command is accessed in
the Post-Process Commands.

animated gif - reload to play

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