Mixer sliders/Mute not working

A three staff score. One of the velocity sliders works normally. The other two show nothing even when they are audible on playback. I can even mute those two and they still are heard on playback. Screen grab during playback when all three instruments are audible:

Those volume sliders in the mixer don’t actually alter MIDI velocity values. For that you would need to work in the Velocity Lane of the Key Editor in Play Mode.

(Also, if you’re using NotePerformer, it has its own mixer, which is where relative volume adjustments would need to be made.)

Thanks, Judd. Sorry for the wrong terminology. I do know how to use the Key Editor, but for this I just want all the sliders in Play module to work.

No worries, just trying to clarify.

What VSTi are you using?

I edited the title of the thread to make it clearer for others reading and searching. Hope you don’t mind, @rayates56!

The “VST and MIDI” panel shows HALion Sonic on all the rows.

I have not seen this problem before, and a test file that I started the same way works fine. There must be some setting that I inadvertently hit when this file was open.

Have you tried reapplying the Playback Template under the Play Menu? I’ve had that clear up “weirdness” for me.

“Weirdness” has left the Project. Thanks!

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