Modern Step Sequencer

In my feedback I forgot to mention that I really like the new drum machine and drum track that came with in Cubase 14. A revamped version of the “old” beat designer MIDI effect plus drum machine. Even the randomization functionality i.m.o. works very well.

In a future version of Cubase I’d love to see a new step sequencer for instrument tracks similar to the obove mentioned.

Well you can put Pattern Events on Instrument Tracks too. Also most (all?) of the features introduced with Patterns like random Velocity variation were also added to the Key Editor.

Fill every n-th step, Euclidean filling, rotate events… I don’t think it is fair to say “most / all” in this case. “A couple” seems to be more appropriate. Still, even a couple are a welcome addition.

I was thinking of the stuff in the lower right portion of the Pattern Editor Window. Stuff that impacts the behavior of the MIDI.

The fill in X Beats, Euclidean etc. stuff seems to me more related to data entry which I’d expect to be different in different Editors. It’s kind of the reason to have different editors.