Modulators -> External Instruments possible?

Can anybody confirm if this is even supposed to work? The manual is unclear.

Modulators work well for me internally (plugins, vsti), but I get error when trying to assign “MIDI Channel → All CC → CC (any value)” on External Instrument Modulator track.

Unfortunately, this is not supported at this time.

Well, I sure hope it is implemented in C14.
MIDI Inserts make this possible in a similar way.
Seems a missed opportunity to get everything working together (plugins & hardware)

Is it technically possible to implement a VST3 plugin that converts its modulated parameter value to LegacyMIDICCOutEvent and sends it out to an external synth?

This is possible but not trivial as the modulator changes are coming faster than the MIDI transport is capable to transfer in all cases.

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So if this isn’t supported why is the option there to do it? Surely it would be better for the option not to be there rather than “An unknown error has occurred”?

I think you have a point there.

Does anyone have something like Blue Cat’s remote control to see if that works?

Confirmed working

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