Saw in my account just now that Amped Elektra and Rock Essentials have been converted to the Steinberg Activation Manager.
Slowly getting there.
Can anyone else add any others to today’s list that I don’t have?
Electric Bass has also migrated to Steinberg Licensing today. Those newly added today have yet to make it into the List of software relying on Steinberg Licensing. That list is also out of date with respect to WaveLab 11.2, which has dropped support for eLicenser.
There are still a lot of Groove Agent and HALion expansions to migrate. I am still waiting for six HALion expansions:
- Alto Glockenspiel
- Guitar Harmonics
- Hybrid Bundle
- Iconica Opus
- LoFi Piano
- TGuitar
I am also waiting for six Groove Agent expansions:
- Funk Essentials
- Marco Minnemann Studio Drums
- Simon Phillips Studio Drums
- Pop Essentials
- The Songwriters
- Songwriter Essentials
I have Prime Cuts. This time 4 vouchers for 1 license. This will be a mess again.
Yeah, just make sure you only click one of them and you should be fine.
Just found the HALion Symphonic Orchestra voucher on my account!
Now my last one is Alto Glockenspiel !
Earlier today Steinberg Download Manager offered me updates for all the Iconica sets, also POLY and WAVE (which, together, make up the Hybrid Bundle). TGuitar had a bugfix update a couple of weeks ago.
It might be that at least part of the reason for these updates is preparation for Steinberg Licensing migration, though these updates might just be (possibly HALion 7 related) bug fixing unrelated to Steinberg Licensing. No additional vouchers have been added to my account in the past nine days.
After a week I’m still not seeing HSO ! Is it maybe an os related thing ? (I’m windows. ) Dropped them a support request a week ago, but nothing back.
Have you checked that your HSO licence is showing in the “Products → Show eLicenser-based products” section of My Steinberg? If not, open eLicenser Control Center, run the Register feature, then Maintenance. This typically triggers the issue of missing vouchers within a few hours.
Yes it’s showing in elicenser list. The text says “Halion Symphonic Orchestra (Box)”. I wonder if the box is the problem!? I’ll have a fiddle with the other stuff though.
…also, on the dongle, HSO 1.X is in a “Collection license” with Halion player oem 3.x.
Thanks for your help though, did the other stuff just in case.
I can’t imagine how it could be an OS related thing, I’m on Windows too anyway
Here you are what you should see at the end of the process (I’ve obscured private info):
Yes, I’ve done a few now, all trouble free.
Hope a mod spots this post & let’s someone know. I’ve put in 2 requests for support, nothing yet. Thanks again.
I now have vouchers for:
- Hybrid Bundle
- Iconica Opus
- LoFi Piano
- TGuitar
This means I’m still waiting for two HALion expansions (both free ones - Alto Glockenspiel and Guitar Harmonics) and six Groove Agent expansions to migrate to Steinberg Licensing.
I’m surprised that Alto Glockenspiel and Guitar Harmonics have not migrated yet, as I think a lot of people will be waiting for those two so that they can become eLicenser-free. At least LoFi Piano (another free expansion) has migrated in this batch.
To confuse us all, the List of software relying on Steinberg Licensing has been updated with the very long list of expansions and instruments added to Steinberg Licensing today, but it still omits those added three weeks ago.
I’m very confused. Steinberg has migrated to Licensing 20 euro libraries before Simon Phillips’ Studio Drums library. (E 80). Come on Steinberg! We are still waiting! They should have started with the most important products and they should too at least post the list of upcoming migrations so customers know when their products will be on the Licensing platform
I believe I am right in saying that all currently sold Groove Agent expansions have now migrated to Steinberg Licensing. Simon Phillips Studio Drums has certainly migrated, as my licence for that library is now on Steinberg Licensing.
The decision on what migrates when is not a function of price, but is likely to be a mixture of technical complexity and legal considerations.
I am still waiting for Alto Glockenspiel and Guitar Harmonics to migrate. Those two expansions and VST Connect Pro 5 (which is a work in progress with no promised date) are the last licences I have on eLicenser.
Novel Piano, Alto Glockenspiel and Guitar Harmonics Essential have now moved to Steinberg Licensing.
For each of these, download the latest version from Steinberg Download Manager. Novel Piano doesn’t need a licence. You need to request a Steinberg Licensing licence for Alto Glockenspiel and Guitar Harmonics Essential - I did not get vouchers for them, though maybe I will get vouchers in the next few days.
I am now eLicenser free other than VST Connect Pro 5, which is being worked on.