Move Snap Points to Event Start???

Hi Guys,

I could have sworn that years ago there was a “Move Snap Point to Event Start” or similar. Now there is only a “Move Snap Point to Cursor”… a real problem if you have 1000s of edits that you want to quantize based on the the event starts… and NOT Snap Points.

Is there no way to set Snap Points to Part Start on multiple selected events/parts or similar???


Andrew K

When you have multiple events in our project (say on a dozen tracks), set the cursor to the desired place, select all events (on all tracks) and perform a “Sbap point To Cursor” (Audio menu).
This will move the snap point of every selected event to the cursor.

Is that what you are looking for?


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If, for example, you have 50 events on each track, that won’t work because you can’t put your cursor in 50 places at once.


Hi Fredo,

Thanks for helping.

I think I’m talking about a different situation.

Say I have a dozen tracks with 100s of edits on each track… some of the edits are before the bar line, some after. I want the Snap point to be at the beginning of ALL the parts. not just at 1 particular point on the time line.

So, imagine I want to move the Snap Points of all selected edits to the beginning of their respective parts as seen below… how would I do that?

Thanks for any help.


Andrew K

Yes… that’s my point. I’m pretty sure there used to be a command similar to “Set Snap Point to Event Start” or similar.

No workaround?


Andrew K

I’m not sure but maybe the retrospective record function laid waste
to the “move snap point to start” function.

With retrospective record turned on, the start of the event or part
would be hidden unless you manually drag the start of the event back.

Just a guess.

Hi andrew…I don’t remember there ever being a “move snap point to event start” …only “move snap point to cursor”. But, that would be a hugely useful command!

Hi David,

Thanks for chiming in. Maybe I’m getting confused with one of my other tools I use in sample editing. Age does have it’s drawbacks :slight_smile:


Andrew K

You can make a macro consisting of set snap point to cursor, navigate right, and locate next event.

Yeah… I thought of that, but my session’s parts look like a 100 x 50 chessboard :slight_smile:


Andrew K

Andrew, I’ve never solved this problem, but the only solution (and it’s a cluster fck) is to export the while project as an OMF (creating new files) and then re-open it. From the distant vestiges of memory, not only does this allow one to rename the regions but it gets rid of those stupid annoying snap pints as well. Worth a shot?


What if you make regions out of the events?
Then the snap point will be at the beginning of each region, no?


Hi Fredo,

Interesting idea. I’ll try that out when I get back to my studio.

Cheers… AK

Select events.
Advanced/Events or Range as region.


If you turn all the events to parts you get rid of the snap point problem.

Well its now August 2018
Cubase SNAP points = still a complete pain in the arse
For some reason my Cubase 8.5 pro loves to put ALL the Snap points at the END of the Audio event, so if I try to move or Quantise they go completely crazy, so I have to enter each Audio event and move the “S” box back to the start where it should be and no one ever told it to move from there. Total Total pain in the arse

I do make the audio files into parts but only late on for final arranging, not during creating / editing, its not practical

I wont even start about the fact that I cant even get an Audio window to open showing me the actual “Audio Event”
ie. between the “Event Start” and the “Event End” only
Its either scrolling past like a mofo and I have to stop it and then select with the upper mini wave window
OR with scroll off it goes to the start of ALL the audio and again I have to scroll to the “event” with the mini wave
It never ever just goes to the “Event Start” as is expected
Only way I found is with playback stopped and scroll selected, so I cant live edit whilst listen - which is probably a bit important right ?


This seems to be a problem still… Any ideas if this will be fixed?

This is still a problem in N12.
In post audio the vision CUT point is the reference point or snap point. Not some arbitrary next whole second or bar.
Moving snap point to cursor is NOT a solution when you have to import hundreds of files exported from a Nuendo project that start from a vision cut point.

Because then if there is a video edit after the export (so “move to origin” doesnt apply) hundreds of files now have totally irrelevant snap points!

Please give us a Move Snap Points to Event Start command. Such a time waister. MANY many people need this.

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It’s not a solution, but one workaround would be to create a macro that (if you select the first event on a track):

  1. Locate Selection Start
  2. Snap Point to Cursor
  3. Navigate Right

Assign this to a shortcut, mash that button and you can hammer your way through quite a lot of events in a short time.

And yes, I agree that it should be a feature. You should be able to select all and do this to reset, and like a lot of essential features, this one is forgotten.

EDIT: If you’re on Mac, you can also add a Keyboard Maestro macro that executes that shortcut 100 times or something.

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Or look at Studio One’s implementation of “SyncPoints”. There you can toggle all selected events Sync Points on/off so if you want certain events to have their Sync Point (Snap Point) at the start of the event = toggle Sync Point off.

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