Move Transport back 1 bar?

Is it possible to create a key command to automatically move the cursor back 1 bar? I’ll often use my cursor for editing a part, or use “Transport to selection start” or “go to next marker” and instead of playing from these exact places, I often want to play back from a bar or two before. I’m currently using the rewind key command to rewind a bit, but I often find it jarring when playback starts in the middle of a beat as the rewind seems to be freeform.

Is there a way to make it so the Transport either rewinds by full bars, or setup a key command to rewind a single bar?

These key commands are called nudge +1 bar and nudge -1 bar :wink:

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thank you! :blush:

Or you could activate pre-roll.

In Cubase 10 just follow this:
You should select Bar and Use Quantize in tools menu.
If you want to move cursor by Grid like 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc, select Grid and Use Quantize in tools menu, also the Quantize Grid like 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc.
1).Hold Ctr and tap + on the right side of the keyboard ( to move forward )
2).Hold Ctr and tap - on the right side of the keyboard ( to move back )
I hope this is similar on other versions of Cubase. Good luck!

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