Moving and Docking Tabs?

I am new to WL and I’m finding the hiding and Moving of tags hard to workout .

  1. if I hide a Tag how do I re show it ?
  2. if I make a tag floating how to a put it back were it was ?
    I have been using Layouts to get the defaults back but would like to understand this more . havent spotted a YT video on this so far

I found dock at last position , but if I place it some where else by mistake then the last position is wrong.


There are several layout presets (WaveLab Pro). As a beginner, I recommend starting from them.


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OK thanks , I just found after removing you can re add via Menu

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 17.29.14

I find it highly misleading that you mix the words all the time. A tag is something different. You are talking about tabs.

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Sorry about that , I did include an image to help make it clear , I’m learning and as with Cubase this is a complex app when your starting out , but I did end up answering my own question so I have this will help other

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But, it doesn’t help in the header of the topic.

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Ok fixed that thx

For Markers list, the shortcut is Alt + k
This Window is also closed with Alt + k
Is it possible for future versions of Wavelab to incorporate same shortcut to open and close other pop-up windows such as Normalizer, Pitch, Time, Reverse, etc. like the Markers window?
Right now, it is possible to get out of these windows either by closing with mouse or by clicking on window + esc key.

It is already possible. Hover on the buttons to see a tooltip that shows the shortcut, for example:

It is possible to open with shortcut, but I was asking for option to close the window using the same shortcut. It is possible with the Markers list window. (Alt+k)

command + w

regards S-EH

Hi, I am aware of that too. In previous version of WL many default shortcuts were single letters. The previous shortcuts were N for level normalizer, I assigned N for the same process in WL12. It would be very convenient to open and close specific windows using same shortcuts; if single or multiple windows of processing menu is open. It would make workflow easier by pressing N to open Normalizer and also to close it.

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I disagree because it is not uncommon to have several windows open at the same time. The shortcut of one window allows you to make that window active again, which is an advantage. BTW, you can simply press Escape to close one (no need to press also the Windows key).
This means, with the shortcut (for example), Ctrl + G then Escape, you achieve almost what you are requesting for.

How is Alt+k working that way then?

This is a so-called Tool Window. This is another logic. They can be part of a custom, recallable layout. Most of the time, these are docked windows (Escape key not working).
Now, this is true that the processor window, which are only floating window, could obey the same logic. But closing a floating window with Espace key is very standard, and sufficient, I would say. Again, Ctrl + G + Escape is not a big effort :wink:

However, for the Esc button to work, the user has to click inside the process window and close these processes. The user would rather choose to close it without the Esc button.

Also, it is very likely that the users will start playback immediately after they use these processes leaving these windows where they are. When the mouse is on cursor, the Esc and Ctrl W for these windows does not work.

For the Esc button to work, the window must be active; this is standard. If the window is not active, the shortcut should activate the window rather than close it.

That being said, I will change it in WaveLab 12.0.40 to make it consistent with the tool window behavior: if the window is not active or visible, it will be activated. Otherwise, if it is active, it will be closed. This change is mainly for consistency, as I hardly see any benefit.

I always open the following in pairs

  1. Gain + Normalizer
  2. Pitch + Pitch Bend
  3. Normalizer + Pitch

I have always felt, after using Normalizer and other processes the window is still there (when I forget to close) on Wavelab and is hiding parts of audio file. Closing these windows with their respective shortcuts would be nice.

When you have an audio file of someone reading the numbers 1 - 50, and you want to increase levels or change peak of specific numbers, the process can be opened and closed so the user has control over the view of their audio file.

I think according to your design it has to work this way - when you click the button of Loudness, the window is open and when you click it again it is gone.

When user forget to close these windows, to close, the user has to click with mouse and use esc or x button to close. Their shortcuts do not work when audio files are closed.

Thank you for making this change for Level Normalizer, if the Normalizer is still open after closing the file, it works the old way, by clicking on it and running command to close, while Alt+k is closed with the file.