Moving parts with tempo and signature edits


I am trying to move a section in a song but the tempo track edits don’t follow the parts. I dont have tempo changes but measure changes

Anyone know how to make the tempo track edits follow an event?
Any help mutch appreciated.


Select the Tempo/Signature Events together with the part, you can move. You can use Range Selection Tool for this use case.

Thanks Martin for the response.

The problem is, I can’t see the tempo events unless I enter into the tempo editor.
How I can select them in the arrange window, (where the audio is)?


Add Tempo Track. For the Time Signatures, add Signature Track.

Great! Thanks

If these are items you want to always move together, select them all and then use the Group Command. Not at Cubase but I think it is in the Edit menu.

I was wondering why it didn’t work and you told us the solution! Great! Thanks a lot!

They can be cutted and pasted when grouped, but not moved together

Humm, grouping different types of items has always worked for me. I’m guessing it’s got something to do with the specific combination you are grouping. Try removing different items from the Group and see if one of those was the culprit.

Sorry, I expressed badly myself.
I mean, they can be moved by cutting and pasted. No problem with that.
What I can’t do is drag and drop this group of audio, midi and signature events.
But yes, they are grouped well,
Only that needs to be cuted and pasted in my case.
At leats I managed to do it this way.

Well good that you can do it that way. Drag & drop should work too. But it’s probably not worth it to figure out why if cut & paste works

Thanks raino, at leats I can do it!