Moving plugins

hi,cubase has put some plugins into “other” folder,eg audio damage adverb2.
I have a folder called reverb in c/programfiles/steinberg/vst plugins which i want it to be in.
I cant find the “other” folder anywhere on my pc
is there anyway i can get this moved without having to go to plugin manager and create a new plugin list?

No. This is how plugins are managed in Cubase. Plugin manager is the way to go. Much easier than trying to find where they are on the computer IMHO. Just copy the current setup and then move things to where you want them to be.

thanks for reply.
copy current setup? what do u mean by that?

Open the Plugin manager.
Click on the downward pointing arrow to the top right.
Select “New Collection”
Use “Copy current collection” option and give the new collection a name.

You can now easily move plugins to which ever group you want in your new collection (which you can’t do with the default one.
