Multi-Bar Rest Count/Numbers Not Aligned At Ten's Digit

I’m having this issue where once the measure range in a multi-bar rest is greater than ten the count/numbers no longer align. I’ve dug through countless settings, checked the forums and reddit, redone my template, reworked the fonts in the music symbols editor, and ofcourse tirelessly tweeked the engraving options to try and correct this but have yet to find what setting or thing I’ve enabled or not selected to cause this.

Any and all advice/help is greatly apreciated.

Welcome to the forum @miles.belvin!

It’s always best to post a small version of your project when posting about issues. It makes it easier for us to diagnose. Can you upload just this portion of your project?

I can’t reproduce it, at least with my default settings and fonts. I suspect it’s a font issue.
Scherm­afbeelding 2025-01-23 om 00.49.14

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Thanks so much for the quick responses!
Horns+Rhythm Test Template.dorico (3.3 MB)

Attached is the test file I was using to try and fix this issue.
A font issue would make sense, but I tried with a couple other fonts, including SMuFL fonts and it was still “broken” so I turned back to testing settings.

@DanielMuzMurray I don’t have time to investigate fully, but in Library Manager > Engraving Options > Rests > Multi-bar Rests-Design, clicking on the in Bar count appearance had an effect.
This was discovered with Compare to Factory Settings and Show Differences active.

@StevenJones01 @DanielMuzMurray I went through the steps outlined in Library Manager and Engraving Options. There wasn’t a ≠ in the “Bar Count Appearance” for me, which might mean I’ve accidently applied some setting to my default template. I also tested adjusting my bar acount appearance and distance in my Engraving Options and that still didn’t fix the problem. That said, when I changed the font from plain to music the one’s digit changed but not the ten’s. Not sure if this is helpful info or just something else that’s causing the issue.

Curiously, the 19-bar multi-rest appears as it should but the 57-bar multi-rest does not. When I reduced it from 59 to 49 bars it did. With values from 50 to 59, the misalignment occurs but for less than 50 bars in the multi-rest and greater than 59 it seems to behave itself. Because I cannot reproduce this in a new project, I suspect that it is something in your project which is causing this. What it could be, I haven’t a clue!

For the record: in my test file, no problems between 50 and 59 either.

I think I have found a clue for anyone with better investigative skills than I have:

In Library Manager > Collections, clicking on the red next to Music Symbols and then Apply fixed the alignment of the numbers in the 57-bar multi-rest, although after clicking Apply the red , which had changed to a green arrow, changed back to a red .

One last observation before I go about the more mundane tasks in my day.

It appears that the glyph used for the digit “5” in a multi-bar rest is what is causing the problem in your project with whatever settings are in place. Any multi-bar rest with a “5” as part of the overall number will cause the misalignment of the numbers. So I was a little inaccurate when I said earlier that numbers greater than 59 were OK. Multi-bar rests such as 25, 56, 75, 150 will all have the “5” misaligned. Anything with a “5” in it.

If you go into Library > Music Symbols… and choose the Category Multi-bar Rests, you will see that Bar count 5 has the same glyph as Bar count 5 plain. For all the other numerals, the glyphs differ between normal and plain.


I’ve gone through my library manager and tried resetting with factory and the plain font simply won’t work no matter which options I reset. I also reset the glyph for the “5” digit in the multi-bar rest that @StevenJones01 found but I’m still getting errors across all multi-bar rests when I test. (see example)

I’ve tried resetting my fonts, doing a clean Dorico installation as well as rebuilding from a new document but it’s still happening. Not sure what’s happening on my system.

I’m sure someone from the team will have a look at your file and let you know what’s happening. It might not be immediately though.

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I don’t know if this has completely fixed it, but it seems OK so far.

I went into Library > Music Symbols… > Multi-bar Rests and replaced the Bar count 5 glyph with the “5” glyph used in Time Signatures as all the other numbers in the Multi-bar Rests category appeared to be identical to the numbers used in Time Signatures. I clicked on the star to Save as Default, just in case.
Next I went into Library > Library Manager… and did what I described earlier at the start of my third post.
I didn’t check to see if the 57-bar rest had decided to behave itself but saved the file, quit Dorico and then re-launched Dorico and opened the project.

Horns+Rhythm Test Template-ed.dorico (3.2 MB)

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The issue is that you’ve specified a scale factor for each of Bar count 0 plain through Bar count 9 plain in Library > Music Symbols. Set the X and Y scale factor values there back to 100, and things should start to work better. If you need to change the relative size of the bar count, do so by editing the Multi-bar rest bar count plain font font style in Library > Font Styles.