Multi-bar rests not consolidating

Hi everyone - I am having a problem with multi-bar rests not consolidating in some parts but not others. It is inconsistent within parts (in the Horn 1 part attached it works in some places but not others) and across parts (the Oboe 2 part attached has no problems). I have even tried recreating the piece as a new file and copying and pasting the parts across, but it didn’t fix the problem.

This issue has been discussed before in a forum a couple of years ago, but none of the suggestions there have helped me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks

Do you have all signposts switched on? (Could there be a chord symbol region?)

Can you please attach your project?

Thanks Daniel - I have attached the project - excuse my ignorance, but I don’t know about signposts! I will go and look them up.

Many thanks

Celebration final.dorico (2.5 MB)

Hi again Daniel - yes, all signposts were turned on.



I found it! In the Horn 2 part at measure 121, there’s a diminuendo marking that extends all the way to bar 170. Then there’s another from 239 to 246. I think that’s it (with some slight variation for the other parts).

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Genius! If you are anywhere near Newcastle (Australia) I will buy you a drink!

May I ask how you could tell how long the diminuendo lasted?

Many thanks


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Haha, I’m only halfway around the world in the midwest of the US. :slight_smile:

I found the diminuendo after trying random other spots to insert several empty bars. Bars prior to the problem one had no problem showing the multi-rests, and from that bar on there were issues. After clicking on the dim. symbol, I just scanned through until I saw where the handle extended.

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Thanks again - that’s terrific. I’m a recent convert from Finale and still learning the ropes!

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My sister lives in Newcastle. It was my idea to attach project?? Surely that’s worth at least a VB?! :joy:

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100%. Though the brew at the local Foghorn is better!

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Hi guys - I know the problem is solved, but this has happened to me many times as well. It’s always boiled down to some text object “attached” to one of the bars that should be consolidated. Often it’s the first bar, where I may have put something like a fragment of lyric to help keep the player oriented in the chart.

Attaching that text bit, whatever it is, instead to the bar line of the first measure seems always to do the trick.


Thanks for taking the time to share your experience, Chuck, and welcome to the forum.

You bet, Dan, and greetings from San Diego, CA. I’ve been lurking here since switching to Dorico about a year ago; it’s my go-to for figuring things out. Many thanks for your hard work,