I have an Atmos project set up using the internal renderer in Nuendo 12. I have several tracks that are set up as objects plus are routed to a 7.1.4 object bed. So in the multipanner, I can choose between Bed or Object mode to see how different options sound. When saving and rebooting Nuendo, any tracks that I had set to Bed mode in the multipanner are now reset to Object mode and the object parameters that I had set for the object are recalled. If I go in and change the particular track back to Bed mode, it retains all of my parameter changes with the save, but not the Bed mode selection. I understand that the renderer is seeing those tracks as objects until I remove the unneeded objects, but for choosing between the 2 options, I would think that it would retain that choice on save and reboot.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to make it retain that choice?
As far as I understand the way Steinberg implemented the internal renderer and the multipanner, it is not possible to dynamically switch between object and bed mode, as it is possible for example in ProTools.
They implemented the feed to the internal renderer somewhat strange, so if you toggle bed and object mode in the multipanner, you also switch on and off the last aux send of the channel, which is the actual object feed to the renderer.
If you try to automate this parameter either with the object/bed mode button in the multipanner or with the actual aux send on/off button, strange results happen.
So in conclusion I’d say, what you want is not possible (in Nuendo).
Let me get this straight: The objects are connected to the renderer (via the ADM authoring tool) and at the same time routed to a 7.1.4 group track, which is itself defined as a (multi-)object in the ADM tool?
Or have you defined a 7.1.4 group track as a (multi-)object and the individual “objects” are only routed to this group track without being defined as objects in the ADM tool?
Hi guys, I have the same problem… it’s very simple, basically the Multipanner automatically goes into “Object Mode” when restarting the mixing session. For example: if I use the Kick and Bass channels in “Bed Mode” to send a signal to the LFE, the Multipanner reestablishes itself in Object Mode when restarting the mixing session and the LFE signal is lost, it’s tedious having to put the channels back into “Bed Mode” again every time the session starts.
That’s not how it works. The Bed or Object modes light up to indicate that you’re in a Bed or Object as assigned by the ADM authoring tool. You don’t randomly select it by switching to Object or Bed in Nuendo.
The Atmos Renderer makes its decision based on what you’ve assigned in the ADM authoring tool. It receives separate metadata for Object and Bed panning and audio information. The Atmos Renderer then uses the panning metadata to move the audio stream in 3D space based on Object or Channel metadata.
Even if you restart Nuendo, the decision is still maintained, and the appropriate mode is indicated by lighting up in blue
for example:
The VST MultiPanner* can either be set as and object panner or a channel panner. If you have created a unique 7.1.4 object beds as you mention and not the usual group channel 7.1.2 bed, to get LFE in this case you would have to create a child LFE bus.
as explained here: