Multiple Midi-Inputs per track

I like the idea of having more than just one midi-input on a track.
f.e. I use DIVISIMATE and a couple of other midi devices. I bundle most of them via BOME MIDI TRANSLATOR PRO but it would be easier to manage it in Cubase itself.

So I miss the option to activate multiple different midi inputs for each track


ā€¦and all midi inputs is not granular enough?

Are you talking about MIDI inputs or outputs?
You can choose ALL MIDI Inputs as inputs!

f.e. I need this seperation:
Track 1 > Midi-Inputs: Device 1, Device 2
Track 2 > Midi-Inputs: Device 1, Device 3
Track 3 > Midi-Inputs: Device 1, Device 4

yeah, I hear you, It would be nice to have more midi input port control.

I know exactly what the OP is talking about. +1

I have 5 keyboards/controllers all with MIDI out going into MIDI Patchbay and into Cubase.

Sometimes I like to have my 88 Key keyboard and my 4x4 Drumpads to be controlling Groove Agentā€¦ I use the 88 to browse all sounds, and the 4x4 pads for performance.

The only way to do that, is to turn on ā€˜All MIDI Inputsā€™ but the problem with that, is that now the other 3 controllers are also triggering when I or someone else in the studio is also writing synth lines and wanting to work quickly between both.

My wish would be that the MIDI input selection menu becomes a checkbox selector menu so the user can pick multiple, or select ā€˜Allā€™ which selects all boxes. Perhaps, a modifier could be used like Alt to exclusive select one input and uncheck others.

I know this seems like minor detailsā€¦ butā€¦please Steinberg!


+1 on this feature request.

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100% agree on this. Have a main sequencer driving one track but I need another one for fills/layering.

Have not tried this, but can you not have a first MIDI track accepting input from first MIDI source, and have a second MIDI track accepting input from the second, and finally have a MIDI send from the second track to the first?

@dmbaer: you certainly do not want to install this on a 700+ track template :wink:

this is pretty tedious too, isnt it?

yes - you forget that you have to add additional 700 midi tracks and change 700 current inputs on the old midi tracks. Also itā€™s not that prtactical since you also have to copy all NOTES and QUICKCONTROLS from the original midi track to the new midi trackā€¦well - I better stick with the feature request to make multiple midi inputs available :wink:

Iā€™ve been trying to resolve this myself. In the Inspector tab on the project window, I would LOVE just to be able to "Check offā€™ certain MIDI devices I would actually utilize for that one track.
In my case, I have a Tascam US 2400 Control Surface connected via MIDI. So if I would select ā€œAll MIDI Inputsā€, I would be playing actual notes when just pressing my transport buttons. Its an old device so I have to set it up that way. So now, I have to input my notes using my 88 key midi keyboard that only has a modulation wheel and Pitch Bend, then change the MIDI input to my small Alesis VMini so I can start recording My MIDI CCs. I do alot of string and horn arrangements so I NEED the extra bells and whistles for Expression, Breath Control, Vibrato Speed etcā€¦

A pop-up window with check boxes for each MIDI input device in the inspector would be sweet.

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I agree that the suggested improvements would be worthwhile.

In the meantime you can change which MIDI Inputs are included in All MIDI Inputs on the fly so it only includes the Inputs you want to use at that moment in time.

In this situation you could set the ā€œother 3 controllersā€ so they are not included in All MIDI Inputs while recording the Groove Agent parts - then stick 'em back when you want. Just because it is named ā€œAllā€ doesnā€™t mean it has to include everything. Right now you basically have the ability to use any combination of Inputs you like by selecting them with check-marks. This is like the feature request except it is a global setting instead of a setting on each Track. However this limitation is partially mitigated by the ability to change whatā€™s included in All MIDI Inputs whenever you like.

Very partially! And only if you do not record more than one MIDI track at a time.
Another workaround could be to use virtual MIDI ports that aggregate multiple physical ports in various configurations. (Have not tried this.)

A workaround could be:
Create Instrument Track 1 and leave the Input ā€˜Not Connectedā€™
Create a MIDI track to connect Device 1 to Track 1
Create a MIDI track to connect Device 2 to Track 1
You can ā€˜Linkā€™ tracks for convenient Arming, Solo etc ā€¦

Create Instrument Track 2 etc

Well you can record additional Tracks at the same time but they are limited to a single MIDI Input each. Right now we can use any individual MIDI Controller OR a combination of multiple Controllers - but you only get one combo at a time. Which certainly means some routings are impossible but many others are feasible.

If MIDI Inputs are named by letters (A, B, C etc.) then this routing is not currently possible.

Track 1 - A, B
Track 2 - C, D
Track 3 - E
Track 4 - F

But this will work fine

Track 1 - A, B
Track 2 - A
Track 3 - B
Track 4 - C
Track 5 - D
Track 6 - A, B
Track 7 - C

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Iā€™ve been asking for this feature since the Atari ST days! Iā€™d like to be able to assign MIDI inputs to a group and name the group.


Thatā€™s how Iā€™d like to see it implemented too. Just let us create as many ā€˜MIDI groupsā€™ as we want & allow MIDI Inputs to be freely assigned to them.