Multiple recored audio tracks and the muted ones still are audioble

I started this project on Cubase 11.5 Artist edition and upgraded a to 13 Pro a few months ago. I had re-recored multiple vocals for this project and now finally have the finished vocals for the project. I deleted all the “bad” ones, but some of the vocals are still playing when I play it in cubase, even in the extracted version. I muted all the sources and the vocals still came through. How can I fix this?

Can you upload a screenshot, please?
However, if I’d take a guess: You might have done some comping on the vocal tracks and there could be some parts that you do not want to hear.
Try to open up all lanes on the tracks that are suspicious and see if anything is lurking somewhere in the off

Hard to tell without seeing the specifics of the Project. One potential cause is that you still have those vocals somewhere in the Project, perhaps as Hidden Tracks or in a Folder that is getting routed your output.

Another potential cause is that when you recorded you final vocals you were listening to the others on headphones and that Audio got recorded onto your final vocals as bleed.