Multitrack Free Warp


Yes please !! This is very needed.

Also Track import without media.


10.0.15 !!
Thank you Steinberg, another color update :frowning:
Waiting so long for the freedom of color…
All the people will come back from S1 and Logic to see the brilliant colors you made.
Ooops, you can not record multiple tracks and edit them as a unit? We don’t need this.
Please work further for better colors and metronome clicks…






I can’t believe it. Every other DAW can do this essential task. Nuendo/Cubase don’t. First I thought it was a bad joke.



Bumping the thread because I would love to see this happen.

I would like to see this happen as well. As a guitarist I almost always record two tracks from the same source using two mics.
This is very easy to do with logic flex edit. Since Cubase very obviously follows Logic user interface, I think programming to add this shouldn’t be that difficult
Payed to a lot of money to start on Cubase and sorry to say I am already disappointed on this vital issue


Is that working with phase coherency in Logic?

Got multimic files from Logic that messed up phase. Could have been user error as well.

I didnt have any phase issue

+1, this has been suggested many times. This would be useful as at the moment the free warp can’t be used over live instruments that contain multiple mics such as drums, stereo pairs on guitars and real piano etc… due to phasing.

Chopping the audio isn’t always optimal, especially for instruments.

Also would be useful for putting backing vocals/harmonies in time that are in time with themselves but out of time with the music if the singer doesn’t have a good sense of timing. This seems to be needed a lot of the time when I do official remixes and want to add more swing to the track.


Absolutely, of course, this does not exclude the misuse of incompetent users.