I recently purchased Dorico after using MuseScore for several years. Is it possible to import the MuseScore keyboard layout? Or are there pre-edited Dorico shortcut files that contain the default layouts of other popular notation software?
You can of course edit the key shortcuts in Dorico’s Preferences. I don’t think anyone has created and shared a file of MuseScore keys.
Bear in mind that Dorico will not have identical functions (and some that appear similar may work in different ways). Also, note that there is a “logic” to the system of default commands that Dorico uses. For instance, all the popovers are actioned with SHIFT plus a memorable letter. Arrow keys with modifiers usually work the same way for every object.
If you’re regularly using two or more notation apps, I can see that keeping some things the same will be useful; but if you are switching to Dorico, then it doesn’t make sense to keep using commands for a program you don’t use anymore.
MuseScore uses 5 for quarter note (like Finale, which I came from). That’s the most difficult thing to get used to; but it doesn’t take that long to get used to the new numbering - and if you do find that you’ve entered a run of the wrong note values, it’s easy to change them to the correct duration with Insert mode!
Also note that you can type things like: 5 = 60 into the tempo popover to get Eighth Note = 60 metronome mark. I’m not sure that will change to accommodate new shortcuts. (There are of course other methods, like using e, q, h, w, for note durations in the popovers.)