Music preparation question in Dorico!

Hi There.
I want ask if Dorico can do parts score like that? I am a film music student so I have to do these music preparation things for recording session. Is there any easy way to do the layout like that?

ALSO EXTRA QUESTION? If I have a double layout part score. How could I show the tempo on the both staves? I am always copy paste and manually drag it the next line and hide it on the full score…

Your first question: yes, absolutely, though it takes a bit of manual note spacing to shorten a systemin the middle of a flow.

Your second question: no, not for tempo marks. That said, I’ve rarely seen film parts that have tempo marks on every staff - percussionists and violinists are capable of seeing tempo markings above the top staff, just as they’re capable of seeing bar numbers below the bottom staff.

(I’ve worked on something in the region of 40 movies in the past two to three years, across Sibelius; Finale and Dorico).


Thank you so much for your help! So for the manually adjust is that in the engrave mode and manullay drag the space? Or is there any faster way to do that?

Engrave / Note Spacing Tool, just click the box on the end of the system and move it over with Opt+Shift+Arrow.

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