MusicXML & Score Editor

They say this score editor cannot import MusicXML, but can Cubase 14 still import MusicXML? The way this is communicated is somewhat confusing.

If the function is removed from the entire DAW, then I’m going to wait until Cubase 15 to upgrade, assuming they add it back at that point (or before).

I don’t really need a new score editor in Cubase. I already have Dorico Pro 5. I do, however, need to be able to bring MusicXML into Cubase Pro.

The MusicXML import functionality is inherently tied to the Score Editor code. This functionality is indeed not available in Cubase 14 right now. We are certainly looking at bringing it back in future, but I can’t make any more specific promises right now.
If you could point me to a place where this is communicated incorrectly, I’d like to clear this up.


Release notes doesn’t make it clear that the feature is gone comletely to people who aren’t familiar with how the software is architected under the hood; as it’s under the section referencing the New Score Editor.

I basically assumed (on reading) that it was talking about the score editor component, with the base DAW still being able to import MusicXML to MIDI/Instrument Tracks - the way I’d expect a DAW that doesn’t have a score editor at all to import the MIDI Data.

Since I compose in Dorico and then bring things into Cubase, it’s unfortunately a must-have feature.

It should be in the pipeline