I can’t seem to insert a muted guitar strum (x) with Dorico 5. I was able to do so when using Dorico 4.3.
Do you mean have it play back muted?
A ‘palm mute’ technique is what’s being discussed, is my guess…
No, notated
You’re just looking to change the notehead type aren’t you?
Yes. I used to be able to select “dead note” in guitar techniques and that would effect either a rhythm slash or a note head. Now, I can’t get it to give me a muted strum.
That’s what I used to be able to do to rhythm slashes. Not only would the cross show on the staff, but the muted strum would be heard on playback. I can go through the edit notation tab, but the cross is not quite right and the mute isn’t heard on playback. Here is a screen shot from a score written with 4.3:
By the way, thank you for your time and attention, Daniel.
That’s interesting. I wasn’t aware that dead notes had any effect on playback (and it says as much in the manual).
i am not hearing the dead notes (notes with X heads) in my guitar. They appear to sound the same as the other notes.
I understand you need to apply an expression map though, having tried the available options, not sure what this should be.
Can anyone shed some light on this please. thanks
dorico v5
I believe dead notes use the pt.dead playback technique, so you can define a switch in your expression map that uses that technique.