My account no longer shows my products

Can anybody tell me why I have no products etc to show for the products I purchased from Steinburg. I have had to reboot my computer so lost my apps - and when I went to my steinburg account, to reinstall said products, there is not record of these!

Has this happened to you? What did you do to resolve the issue?


Hi and welcome on the forum,

Please get in contact with official Steinberg support.

Hard to do - as contact support on website links dealerships in ones country- what I need is a link to official Steinberg support to get this sorted - not to some dealership which handles Steinburg merc.

Can you provide me with that link?


Local technical support (dealership) can solve this kind of issue too.

Having great trouble getting an answer on the phone…surely there is tech support I can get a ticket from online…


Have you tried MySteinberg > My Support > Create support request form?

Is it possible you have more than one account, and logged into the wrong one?

No I don’t think so but will try and check that out

As far as I can tell I only have one account

I tried making a ticket but It takes me back to my page and gives me the message

“Individual support for you is provided by one of our Steinberg distributors. Please find a list of distributors on this page:”