My Download Assistant has failed

Still no “luck” here …

Same. I uninstalled and reinstalled all the recommended parts and still get the “error occurred” “try again later” message.

Does anyone know if Steinberg is working on this issue? Are there diagnostics or logs we can send?


I didn’t change anything since last time I tried and it started working today. :man_shrugging:

there was an update recently… hopefully it is fixed

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I’ve had the same problem.
Today I got a new update of win11, and now SDA works as expected.

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Same for me using Windows 10 and today. Bought the Cubase 14 Update and am not able to install it (or use the Steinberg Installation Assistant). Really bad user experience after spending money for an update. Before that everything worked fine.


I downloaded a new “Steinberg_Download_Assistant_1.36.4_Installer_win.exe” now and it’s not updated regarding this so what’s going on? Can we at least have a statement from Steinberg? Or is it already confirmed somewhere or … yeah! What’s going on … or what’s not going on rather?
I see there is a box dealing with the issue pinned at the top at relevant pages now but it doesn’t make a difference for me because the SDA is still broken.


Still NOT working with the setup in the screenshot. Also tried to uninstall and install it.

Dear Steinberg, please tell us, that you’re on it and take the time you need to fix it. Then tell us, when it’s actually fixed. I’m not interested in trying out a bunch of “maybe fixes” and invest even more time on it.


I experience the same problem on my 3 comps.

To day I’ve updated SDA on my 3 comps to v.1.36.4.
1.Desktop win 10 - SDA is working
2.Laptop win 10 - SDA is working
3.Laptop win 11 - SDA is NOT working

All 3 comps is up to date software wise. n.1 and 2. is old (8 Years at lest), n.3 is new (1\2 year) .
The trouble with SDA started in october, after an automatic Win update I think, and I’ve never experienced it before.

Several topics in steinbergs forums are mentioning this problem, bur I haven’t seen any, ANY, comments on it from Steinbergs staff; a bit disappointing.


Same issue here. SDA has been broken for me for the last 1-2 months (IIRC it stopped working around the week before C14 released or so). Can’t update or install anything.

Have tried to uninstall/reinstall and update all the components (SDA, Activation Manager, Library Manager, Install Assistant, MediaBay) manually, but it’s still not working.

What exactly do you want to update/install? There are ways around the SDA.

Seems like you need to take things in your own hands since the SDA is not reliable these days and we don’t get any information.

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Unless the download in not available on the website (some GrooveAgent libraries, for example) I NEVER use the SDA. It’s been broken from day one. There are topics here dating back to at Jan 2021, complaining about all the same issues we have today.

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I have the same problem since pro12 I think. Most of the time, I want to download Updates, the sdm fails.