I recently set up some hardware synths to be used as External Instruments, routing the audio and midi respectively. As for the midi setup, I am not worried about using custom panels, I just wanted to get them connected, so I basically created each one with settings like so:
All seemed well at first, until I started noticing while playing that my synths would randomly change settings and in crazy ways, pitch sweeping, suddenly super fast LFOs, etc. In my limited working knowledge of midi, I knew there had to be some kind of CC data being sent to them. After much investigation and using the Midi Monitor, I finally found the random CC data is both CC16, “Gen Purp 1,” and CC19, “Gen Purp 2”, as seen here:
And to be sure, I looked up midi CC tables for each of my synths to see what CC16 and 19 do, and sure enough, I could observe the effects (for example I have one synth where CC16 is mapped to MOD Depth > Oscillator Pitch, so after resetting a patch as soon as I get a message, it’s a very obvious pitch sweep every time).
I have made sure the only thing going to these synths is my one midi controller, port 1 channel 1 - nothing else is going to them.
I can also confirm that if I use the same midi controller on the synths using another DAW (I tested with Logic), that the issue does not happen. I also placed an external midi monitor on my midi controller to observe any messages coming directly from it - and I never saw anything from CC 16 or 19. Therefore I feel confident in saying that the data is coming from somewhere within Cubase.
Thinking perhaps I could use an input transformer to filter out the messages, I tried the following:
But even after this, the messages were still getting through to the synths and I could see Gen Purp 1 and Gen Purp 4 appear randomly on the Midi Monitor for each synth. So I’m at my wit’s end here, I can’t figure out where the data is coming from, and the way it happens randomly and frequently makes it so that I can’t use my hardware synths on any projects until I get this sorted.
Thanks to anyone for reading all this and if you can help me!