Mystery diamond next to input caret

A diamond has shown up next to the input caret in a project I started working on.
Can anyone tel me what it is, how it got there and how I can get rid of it?
Really appreciate some help as I can’t find anything online or in the manual.
Thanks, Bill

Can you attach the project itself here? It looks like a custom notehead. Perhaps you’ve been making changes in Library > Notehead Sets and have inadvertently managed to replace the regular black notehead?

Here’s the file.
I’ve been editing the Chord Symbols Library extensively, but to my knowledge I haven’t even looked at Notehead Sets.
A new project doesn’t have this input diamond.
Thanks in advance for helping with this. I’m still, and will probably remain, a Dorico neophyte.
diamond cursor.dorico (579.3 KB)

Everything looks normal here.


Hi @wmbrink,

I noticed the custom notehead just activating the caret (with double click on the measure):

After moving the mouse to other note, I had the normal notehead (this because then dorico switches to the whole note value of the only voice present*):

As Daniel suggested, you have an override (little red triangle) in the default custom notehead, (*that shows up in the caret, as the caret uses that overriden notehead, while the whole noteheads have no override) :

here a visual guide to reset it:


It was a change in the Notehead Sets, as stated by dspreadbury.
Fixed now.
Thanks for the help.

This is the fix.
Thanks for the info.

Just to remind you that your iformation was correct. I really don’t know it happened, but the diamond was in the Default noteheads section of the Notehead Sets.
Resetting to Factory removed it.
Thanks again.