N10 hangs when reopening in W10


I’ve just upgraded to Windows 10. I can open N10 once and use it. But if I close N10 and then try to reopen it, it hangs. I have to reboot.

Does anyone have any suggestions about that?

Stewart Peters


Please use Microsoft ProcDump utility to generate a DMP file.

  1. Please download ProcDump64 from Microsoft (~650kB) and extract the archive to a local folder on your harddisk.

  2. Run Command Prompt (cmd) as administrator (right click and select “run as administrator”)

  3. Navigate (in the Command Prompt) to the folder with the extracted procdump file.
    For example:
    cd C:\Users<username>\Downloads\Procdump
    Note: the dmp file will be written into that folder.

  4. Launch Cubase/Nuendo. You can work as usual. At any time, change to the command prompt and start procdump, to monitor Cubase/Nuendo for unexpected behavior (see next step).

  5. Launch procdump64 via Command Prompt:
    Cubase 10:
    procdump64 -e -h -t Cubase10

Nuendo 10:
procdump64 -e -h -t Nuendo10

The -h option will write a dmp file in case of an application hang. This might kick in too early sometimes, in case some action takes a little longer. Feel free to skip the “-h” option, if you are only up for fetching crashes.
The option -e will catch exeptions and the option -t terminations of the application.

  1. Prodump is now monitoring the Cubase/Nuendo process and will write a crash log, in case Cubase/Nuendo crashes or hangs. Perform the action that causes Cubase/Nuendo to crash and send us the generated crash dmp.

Share the DMP file via Dropbox or similar service, please.

Hi Martin,

Thanks very much for that. I have started using ProcDump64 while I run N10, but, surprise, surprise! N10 hasn’t crashed today!

I’ll keep checking.


Hi Martin,

Here is a link to download the two dump files. One as N10 crashed and another while trying to reopen N10. I hope these help.

One’s a big file!??

Thanks very much
Stewart Peters


Unfortunately I wasn’t able to resolve the dumps completely.

There is definitely one SYNSOACC issue, what means and issue with the eLCC. Make sure, you have the latest eLCC installed, please. Also try to start eLCC as Administrator and trigger maintenance.

Other crash is related to NVIDIA.

Please try this:

  • Uninstall the NVIDIA driver.
  • Download the latest Studio driver version from here.
  • Start the installation (as administrator).
  • Don’t install the whole package, use the Custom (Advanced) settings.
  • Disable everything (don’t install NVIDIA Experience, PhysX, etc.), keep just the video driver enabled.

Hi Martin,

Thanks. I’ve updated the sLLC and ran Maintenance as Administrator. I have downloaded the Ge Force nvidia driver. There is no Studio driver available.

Can I install the Game Ready driver and do the custom install without NVIDIA Experience, physex etc?


Is this only Mac related or as a Win10 user should I follow these steps also?
reason for asking is I have some random crashes every now where the whole system stalls and starts to loop this annoying sound thru monitors and headphones and Displays freeze. Only way out is to hold power on button down long enough to shut the whole computer…

Bye / Tumppi


This is only Windows related.

Hi Martin,

I’ve updated the NVidia driver (same driver is the latest, but I uninstalled and re installed without all the extra features). I’ll see how N10 goes now.




It still sometimes hangs when I try to reopen N10. It usually hangs at ‘Initializing Nuendo’ but also sometimes at ‘audio alignment’ or ‘Video Cut Detection’.

Any other suggestions?



Could you try to make a new *.dmp file, please?

Hi Martin,

Yes, I’ll do another dmp file, probably tomorrow.

Thanks for sticking with me:)


Hi Martin,

Please don’t close this topic. I am still having a lot of hangs. I’ve just been so busy I didn’t have time to do the dmp files (I just keep rebooting Windows to reset N10).

I’ll do a dump file tomorrow.


Mi Martin, Here are two of my latest dmp files. I load N10 then open CMD and load the ‘procdump64 -e -h -t Nuendo10’ command. It does a dmp file then N10 crashes and closes.

Is it meant to do that after the dmpfile?


Hi Martin,

I have a new dmp file now. But it won’t let me add a link for you to download the dmp files> How can I get the link to you?

Thanks for all your help.

Stewart Peters

Ok, now I’m screwed.
I followed you steps. When trying to install the new driver the installer cannot find compatible hardware… WTF and what to do now???


ZIP it and attach it here or share it via Dropbox or similar service, please.


I’m sorry, I’m not Windows expert. I don’t know, what to do.

It seems that I have Asus Nvidia geforce GT730…
Oh boy :face_with_monocle: