N5.5.3 Working Metronome - Yeah


Just did a 40 minute test.
No problem, click working all the time!

Thanks Bredo! This is a great discovery, now they finally might be able to fix it also!



Could it be true that it is THAT easy? :wink:

But - The idea to loop-back the click to an mono input for routing via Cue Mix is great!! (Though ^^)


That’s working here for me, thanks.
I have been just using Groove Agent or Loopmash to make a simple
pattern but this will be a time saver.

Thanks Brandy but it is beyond me that the user group has to ‘find a solution’ to fix such a basic thing. Hopefully SB appreciates and implements the fix in the next service update.

Well, now that makes no sence (over here) because my setup is always like that - main out not connected to outputs…?

Is it a case of having click engaged at least “somewhere” on a physical bus?

I’ve rarely had issues with the click in CR and this may be because I usually have click engaged somewhere.

Thanks a lot!!!

After a couple hundred hours with the “fix”, I can safely say that the issue is resolved for me. YES!
Now, let’s hope that Steinberg will take notice and address the underlying issue in upcoming updates…