I have an initial doubt, how many native panning configurations are there in Cubase 11? I’ve heard about the triangular and circular panning law in other DAWs however im not sure if this is possible to configure in Cubase…
On the other hand, supposedly the plugin below overcomes the traditional panning… what can something like that consist of? has anyone tried the plug-in?
I understand about the x-over, but wouldn’t this in a full mix muddy up the blend?
I’m about to give it a try but I’m interested to know your opinions and how did u used if any or if used similar plugins.
I think if you watch the tutorial at the Boz website, it will pretty much explain everything. This really doesn’t have anything to do with a Cubase panning law. Any tool can “muddy up” a blend. whether or not you feel you need it is up to you. I can probably configure similar, but it would take several tools and more time.
I use this plug quite frequently. It’s to make sure the headphones listening experience is correct. Cubase does not have anything like this. The imager is a different thing. Again, if you watch the Boz video…with headphones I think your questions will be answered. If not, try the demo.
There is also the feature of extreme pan, using what I would assume a built-in side-chain technique.
It is worth noting that all these fancy newfangled panning plugins don’t work on mono channels in cubase because they’re well, mono. So if you want to use a pan plugin on a mono recording, you have to do the old “create a new stereo track and move the mono event to that” workaround. At least until Steinberg finally comes to its senses and gives us a switch that can toggle a channel between mono and stereo…
Cubase’s Imager can also create crosstalk for headphone monitoring, by setting the Width control to a value less than 100. For mixing individual channels or groups as shown in the first video, you can set Imager to use 2 bands and only pan the high end.
Yes, that addresses the cross-over feature, but is there a straight forward way to combine the small delay to 1 channel and the Max delay where it changes while you adjust the pan control?
I was thinking with the original Boz Panner, once you hard pan, you have the function to even pan further…for extreme pan, and was achieved through a built-in M/S process. But now, with Pan knob 2, maybe it was strictly small delay.
I often use the stock StereoDelay for these. It doesn’t automatically adjust delay time according to panners but for Haas effect panning, the plugin is good enough.
This is the only purpose I use this plugin for and I save this setting as default. The plugin is very good for the Haas effect. Sometimes you can apply HF filter for the delayed channel for more out of speakers feeling, basically, that makes a pseudo head related transfer function. The mix for the non-delayed channel could be 0% if hard panning is needed.