Navigate to next/previous barline not working?

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I added key commands for Navigate to Next/Previous barline as “]” and “[” and I can’t get them to work.

When I use either of them to navigate, the selection just sits on the same note and retriggers the selection playback of that note.

I also have “option+shift+spacebar” set to “Playback at Start of Flow”
and instead of doing that, it just plays the currently selected note and stops.

I suspect that the Navigate to Barline commands aren’t hooked up to anything yet. They don’t work for me either.

For me ⌥⇧Space plays a short note wherever the playhead is, and stops, and the timer doesn’t advance. I think the reason for this is that Scrub Playback is now assigned to ⌥Space, and it’s interfering with Play from Start of Flow, with the result something like “scrub at last start position”.

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Interesting. It would be nice to get them to work. I would certainly use them all the time :slight_smile:

I tried too, and I can confirm that the command Navigate to Next/Previous barline has no effect (jet?).

Thanks for checking :slight_smile: