Example: in a piano score, there’s a C on beat four that ties to a whole note C in the next measure. But on beat one of the next measure, a G is added below the C. When I input this, the C ties correctly, but the lower G will tie backward to the last time that G appeared. It can be many measures back, creating a multi-measure tie. Is this a bug? Is there a way to properly do this?
The easiest thing to do is put the G into a different voice at the outset:
Activating the caret and pressing V will cycle through the currently active voices; pressing Shift+ V will create a new voice to enter music into.
(I think the way to do this without changing voices is to enter both the C and G’s without tieing them, then Ctrl/Cmd+select both the C’s before pressing T to tie them)
I’m more likely to use that second method. Getting into new voices often leads me to goof things up. This must be a bug - I can’t think of any situation where you would want a note to tie backward to the last instance of that pitch, no matter the distance. Thanks for the help!
You’re welcome.
It’s definitely not a bug - there is a reason for this behaviour but I can’t remember what it is, and I don’t like it either.
In what sequence are you adding the notes/ties? I tried two methods and couldn’t recreate this behavior (both gave me the desired result), using only one voice:
- Enter all the notes without ties, highlight the quarter note “C” and press “T” or click the tie. The C ties to the whole note but no other ties are added.
- Enter the tied note first (I entered a whole note and then used Shift-Opt to extend it another beat), then I enabled chord mode, moved the carat to the first beat after the barline and added the G. No tie back to the earlier measure.
How so? If you turn on view>notes and rest colours>voice colours and experiment with right-click>voices>change voice… it all become clear what is happening.