NEK download


i just bought the NEK extention for nuendo i can’t find anywhere to download it.
the mail i received confirmed the payment and i have an activation code but nothing link infos or code on how to download it. can someone tell me how to proced ?

have the same issue as well. I eMailed Customer Service at the “handling company”.

Their web process is circular! The process is not customer-friendly at all. :frowning:


so fyi if you launch nuendo you should have the nek options now. I think it’s included in nuendo basic but locked until your activate your licence in your eLicencer.
Well i just needed the score funtion and now i have it in nuendo without DLing installing anything.

Yes. I called Germany this morning and a chap explained that to me. It’s included in Nuendo, but not active until you put your activation code on your Licenser and download the license.

What additions should I look for now?

i don’t understand do you mean what is inside NEK ? or are you jokking about “is there more options to unlock on that >$1600 software ?”

What I mean is, since I installed and registered Nuendo, I’ve been “getting familiar with” Halionsonic and Groove Agent SE. Other synths were present, but I haven’t used them yet, so I don’t know if they were limited editions.

The impression I got from the Steinberg site is, that once you pay for the NEK, you get a download link. Remember, the option is, to download the NEK so, now that I’m told, that it’s just a matter of unlocking a feature, or features, I’m asking those who are already using it, for an idea of what to look for.

Do you have the score editor if so you have the nek. just put some notes in a midi track and see if you can open it.

O.K. I guess I have it, then. Thanx! :laughing: