NEK with Win XP

Thinking about going NEK…

Is there anything included in the NEK package that I won’t be able to use because I’m running XP?
Looking around at the various plugs in the shop and many of the demos, seems they only support Win7.

So is everything in the NEK package compatible with XP?


I am certain the NEK components will “run” on XP. Support and future compatibility is another matter. Basically - I think it goes - if your OS is not listed in the “official” system requirements - then you are on your own. Most likely it will be fine.

Bigger question is - why XP - in 2012? Windows 7 is so much more capable and stable - plus it goes without saying that it’s the key target of any supported software release both today and the future. Over here - 7 runs circles around XP - even on the same identical hardware I have been running since the summer of 2008.


Because some of us might not have the week or so it takes to completely reinstall/re-authorize every single plugin and instrument in our setup. I have Windows 7 but don’t have the free time right now. I wish somebody would come up with a way to migrate all autho’s from XP to W7.


Fair enough. You have plan this out right( and I have just as many auths as the next guy) but I can still build a new box from scratch and be up an running in it in 4 hours on a Saturday. If it takes a week - there’s a problem somewhere.

Another real time waster is thinking you have to reinstall sample libraries etc that could literally take hours or days. I stopped doing that years ago and now keep the same sample hard drive in place for all my builds - even when moving to new hardware - so that shaves massive time off the clock.

Well - since most auths are based on heavy duty security hashes using hardware component IDs, software IDS and hard disk IDS - transfer would be impossible.

PLUS there is no way to do an “in-place” upgrade of Windows XP-> Windows 7 - so you will have to bite the bullet and start fresh anyway. If it were me - I would have another more modern PC on hand and install to that…and leave the old one as a backup unit or secondary.



The one I’m using is not “old” in any way. Maybe not new, but somewhere in between :slight_smile:

4 hours? If I buy you a plane ticket to LA can you come down here and do that for me? :slight_smile:

And yes, I do keep all the sample libraries on a separate hard drive. It’s a great idea. Except for some software like EZ Drummer, which didn’t give you the option of where to install the sound files. (I think they do now). It’s really gotten harder because some companies seem to be moving away from the iLok. I love the iLok because of things like XP > W7 migration hassles.

Thanks for the info,

I tend to build a system and then slowly upgrade everything I can until the
motherboard just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Just about there with the current system.

XP because my audio hardware isn’t Win7 savvy. You dig?
Getting to Win7 involves too many simultaneous upgrades at the moment.


Although I’m starting to believe that Nuendo 5.5.3 is not great with XP SP3. I keep going back to N 5.1.1 after repeated crashes and weird issues in 5.5.3 - like suddenly not being able to select colors for tracks, etc… Things just don’t seem to be as “tight” with 5.5 as 5.1. on my system.

Perhaps 5.5.3 is better with Windows 7?

It takes me weeks too to set up a my new pc. with all the settings. with all the applications I like etc…
that is a main reason why I am running a 2006 PC… which I moved to W7 64 bit almost two years and to do all of this over again…is…well tempting me to go back to macs and time machine and migration assistant…that takes two hours… with everything exactly like I want it to be.

If it takes weeks then IMO you’re doing something wrong. Use the data migration wizard to transfer user data (I personally have this all backed up to the cloud and on a new machine I just set to sync with the new computer). The majority of sample plug-ins let you re-install the application and just locate the sample data too so gone are the times of sitting there for hours copying data off DVDs.

For the usual application suspects check out

the main parts take a day or two, but I did find that some things weren’t migrated or migrated properly etc.
and it did take weeks to get back to exactly how I like my machine to work…including desktop…icons on desktop…etc etc etc