The keyboard and pad of the P6 are not working in Cubase 14 while working fine in Cubase 13. The other functions - transport, mixer, eq, faders, rotary knobs etc all work fine.
When I press a key I’m getting a midi in signal in Cubase but no sound. Also if I open a vst synth with an onscreen keyboard like Retrologue, pressing a key on the P6 doesn’t activate the onscreen keyboard unlike Cubase 13 where it does.
The MIDI Port Setup window and P6/Remote Devices settings are the same as Cubase 13 so that doesn’t seem to be the problem. I also have the latest firmware version.
I’ve contacted Nektar support (usually very good) but so far we haven’t been able to fix it.
It’s a funny one. Usually the keyboard is the first thing to work and the problems are with other functions but it’s the opposite in my case.
Anyone else having problems with the P6 and Cubase 14?
(Just noticed someone below had a similar problem with a P4 and Cubase 13 but the solution there doesn’t work for me)
I’m watching this as I have a P6 using Cubase 13. I’ll e updating the 14 when the mid term sale come around.
What I find odd is you are seeing an input when you press the keys. If you click transport and then markers, do the pads then let you move between markers? If so it seems it’s just notes that are not being recognised. I can’t see it being Cubase as the P6 sends midi notes just as any other controller. Plus you see an input. It must be a setting.
Have you tried uninstalling the P6 software altogether and reinstalling it?
Yes I tried that and the pads could indeed move the markers.
I also made some progress and got the keyboard to work but with some weird issues:
Opened up Cubase 14 and added Massive X on an instrument track.
Played the keyboard and it didn’t work.
Created a midi event and drew in a few notes
Pressed play and the notes played back.
I was was able to play the keyboard as normal.
Added Retrologue on an instrument track and the process was the same.
When I switched tracks keyboard stopped working again.
So if I draw in a few midi notes and play it back then I’m able able to play the keyboard but when I stop playback I can’t play anymore until I draw in more notes.
So not sure what to make of that. At least I can play the keyboard but every time I switch tracks I’ll have to draw in a few midi notes to play again to restart the keyboard which is not ideal.
That sounds like something g in Cubase. The keyboard is generating the notes. Silly question maybe but is the track going into record activated when you select it? Typing notes in usually puts a track into record activated if it isn’t already,
Bingo! You hit the nail on the head and I feel like a plonker haha. The track wasn’t record activated . I was watching a Youtube video by Chris Selim on Mixdown Online and followed his preference tips for Cubase including turning off record enable by default. I’ve changed that one back pretty quick!
Anyway thanks a lot and I’d say go ahead and get Cubase 14. The P6 works the same as with 13 as far as I can make out.