New chord symbol options that Dorico should add

Firstly I should say that I am really enjoying the chord symbol feature in Dorico, however, I notice that it has some big oversights.

1… There should be an option to have the triangle "Δ " to indicate major 7ths, this is a common notation in jazz.

  1. There should be an option to have the dash “-” to indicate minor chords, this is also a common notation in jazz.

  2. The 6/9 chords should have their own 6/9 symbol rather than the janky 6(add9) that they have right now.

That is all.

Boundarie, welcome to the forum.

Please see Engraving Options > Chord Symbols. All three of your requests are already possible.


If you’re using Dorico Elements rather than Dorico Pro, these options are found in the dedicated Library > Chord Symbol Options dialog.

Awesome, thank you!