
For all the ones, who did not noticed about. There is a fully-new Cubase-Site, by the proper Steinberg-Site, on Youtube.

There you can find out all the new Features of Cubase 9.

For all, who didn´t find the new Features in Detail or just not have Updated yet.

Glad, if that can help you.

Best Wishes to all.

There’s a lot more depth and a steeper learning curve than I expected. Everyone who’s saying there’s no reason to upgrade from 8.5 need to see these videos. :open_mouth: :sunglasses:

A pdf would be nice too.
good game for the new channel.

Keep it well organized, please!

For the PDF… I finally found (while digging through this site): Cubase Pro 9.5 Documentation

Unless you were looking for something else?

That’s handy, I have found that 9.5’s Help takes me to online PDFs at that location. It suits me to have a downloaded set . Looking back to C8.5 there was a Documentation folder under Programs>Steinberg.Cubase 8.5, but that is absent in 9.5 (missing here at any rate).