New Shortcut for Note Below

Is it possible to create a new shortcut for note below instead of control-A? What is this called in the key commands panel?

Hi @trumpetandfilm , I cannot quite understand exactly what you are asking for, sorry.

control+A is on windows the shortcut for “select all”

When you say “note below” you mean:

  1. note input (with the caret), where you want to add the new note in a particular direction, instead of Dorico choosing the nearest one? (as explained in this post)

  2. or adding an interval below (using the Note Tool popover with Shift+I)?

  3. or Adding notes above/below existing notes using the menu?

In the first case I don’t know if it is possible to change the shortcut, but maybe someone knows better. And if you enter the note without any above/below shortcuts it is easy enough to change its octave using command(control)+alt and the up or down arrows.

Sorry, I’m not sure how to phrase this, which is perhaps my problem:

Say I have entered a “C”, on beat 1 and I want to next enter an “A” a 6th above on beat 2.

Is it possible to edit these already existing shortcuts?

To add an A more than half an octave above the previous note it’s ShiftAltA

The blue text in Christian’s post is links to the documentation.

I mean option #1- forcing a note entry to a different octave than the closest option. I specifically want to create a different shortcut for this action than the default shortcut. Is this possible?

There isn’t a way through the regular user interface. There might be a way through coding trickery – in a userlibrary or keycommands file. I’d suggest that that’s more trouble than just entering the wrong octave and shifting it.

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